They are no religious people, but they have the best programm of a rightwing-party in Europe I have ever seen. One thing is shure: They are no socialists.

From the party-programm:
Article 7
Social market economy
Human freedom is best expressed in a social market economy, based on free, decentralised production through entrepreneurship and mutual competition, both in production and the labour market.
Article 8
Status of labour
Every human being who is mentally and physically capable should in principle obtain his/her freedom in the material sense by taking on paid employment, whether as an employer or an employee. Participation in the labour process is not an end in itself, but an irreplaceable means of achieving different objectives. Differences in remuneration are only justified if they result from differences in exertion and responsibility, from the nature of the activities, the way they are carried out or their benefit to society. From the point of view of social justice it is important for everyone who is able to work to be given the opportunity to take on useful work that is consonant with human dignity and suited as closely as possible to his/her acquired know-how and skills.
Furthermore, for those to whom this opportunity cannot be offered and for those who cannot or can no longer take on any paid work, as well as for those who want to offer their services to society for free, an existence consonant with human dignity must be assured. This also applies to those who have retired.