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Ask JTF For Sunday, December 24, The Eve of Chaim's Secular Birthday.

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Shalom Chaim,

I have one question about Judaism and one short question about health.

1. Why is the Chanukah story not in the Torah?

2. Is sushi healthy (for righteous gentiles of course)?

Yacov Menashe adds: Certified kosher sushi is the new big thing in the kosher market. The Chabad house near where I live has "Sushi Under The Stars" every Erev Simchat Torah.

Geulah Achshav (formerly Menachem)

True Kahanist:
Dear Chaim,

As usual thank you for answering my question last week.
Can you tell us a bit more about where VJA and JTF donations go to. Is it true that a Jew is obliged to give 10% of their earnings to charity. I want to give more money to JTF and VJA: will paypal increase the amount you can give a month in the fututre. It's a big hassle if I have to give money a month and add extra cause through paypal you can only give $20 to each a month.

Now to a very different question: what do you think about Jospeh McCarthy: don't know if he liked Jews (probably not because of the Rosenbergs), but at least he helped save America from Communism.

Keep up the good work .

Toda achi

True Kahanist:
sorry for the bad spelling in my reply before

Hi Chaim,
You are very clear with your opposition of this disgusting anti-Jewish group Neturei Karta – you have mentioned in many times in the past and on the last ASK JTF show.
Some have argued to me, that the Netruri Karta organisation are ‘correct’ with their views that Zionism is against Torah and the state was build on false ideology of "Kochey Vozem Yodi - in fact I actually often see the U.K. head of the NK, Yossi Goldstein, ysh”v, and have shouted and argued with him – he was originally a Bael Teshuvah and Lubavitch tried to be Mekarev him before is strayed off.  HOWEVER all ‘human’ people (including Satmar) with this belief still do NOT justify to go and join platforms with these ANTI Jewish terrorists and Jew haters who wish to wipe Eretz Israel and its people off the map.

For these people to join in a "Holocaust Denial Conference" and hug is these terrorists, is  totally beyond our comprehension, these people have no place in our society at all, are NOT part of ANY Jewish community and they should go to HELL, all of them. These disgraced people should be displaced from every Jewish Community worldwide.
I am happy to report that in Manchester, here in England, a demonstration was held outside the so called "Rabbi" Ahron Cohen now known in Manchester as Achmend Cohen – who was the key figure at the Conference, I when in Yeshiva, lived in that very street!. There was a big turn out and his house has been pelted with dozens of eggs but unfortunately the Police took him out of the back door. He has been refused entry from every shul in town so let’s hope he goes to live in Iran.   These disgraced people must be strongly condemned in the strongest terms and it must be made clear that they are NOT part of the JEWISH people.
 :)Keep up your good work and great programs :),


Dear Chaim, I was very happy that you responded so forcefully to my arguments against the Moreh Nevuchim and the mitnagdim. I hope you don't take my statements personally as I don't take yours personally.

I have heard your refutation of my questions and this is my response

You say that I am treading on dangerous ground by inferring that the Rambam's study of Aristotle constitutes a losing of one's chelek leolam haba.
I did not say that studying the works of Aristotle causes one to lose their chelek leolam haba. Rabbi Akiva did. Rabbi Ovadia Bartenura did. You moved right over that fact and didn't address it at all.

If inferring that a great rabbi like the the Rambam made a terrible mistake in learning Aristotle is treading on shaky ground, what about your inferring that the Ramban's belief in gilgul neshamot constituted Avoda Zara, or at best caused simple Jews to fall into Avoda Zara?  I would say that you are treading on shaky ground by saying that about the Ramban.
you also say that unless Rashi specifically refutes the Rambam's argument's about the "allegorical" nature of the dozens of quotes from the Talmud mentioning demons, we cannot assume he disagrees.

First of all, you make no attempt to explain what the allegory is. If the Talmud does not mean what it says about demons, then what is it trying to convey when it says Don’t go into ruins of old building because there are demons there. What is the allegory? What is the message?
You can't just say " It's an allegory" with no explanation.

When that Muslim said that the violent and genocidal quotes from the Koran is all an allegory. You didn't buy it. Because there is no plausible explanation for the allegory. If these demon quotes are allegory, the burden of proof is on you to explain.

Second of all, You said that there was a back and forth between the Rambam and Rashi on these issues and that Rashi does not contradict him.
How could Rashi have refuted Rambam's arguments when he never saw them?
The Rambam was born thirty years after Rashi's death.

They couldn't have had a back and forth.

Also, I noticed that you completely ignored the fact that Hai Gaon quoted the Koran and Hadith to prove a Talmudic point. I would like you to tell me what you think about that. Whether you agree with what he did or not.
As far as the Mitnagic mosrim, there were many chassidim who were sent to prison by mitnagdic mosrim including the first Rebbe of Chabad.

He demolished the Mitnagdic argument at the Disputation at Minsk. The Mitnagdim were upset at losing the debate so they informed on him to the authorities.
I don't say that the Vilna Gaon did these things, but his followers did. This is a historical fact.

Your rationalization for the Vilna Gaon trying to get the Czar to ban Chassidic books was an argument that I never thought you would make.
You say that he knew the Chassidic movement would make the Mitnagdim turn bad.

Let me see if I have this right, the chassidim are responsible for the  problems are both themselves and their opponents. The mitnagdim are saying " We're messed up because of you". What a Chutzpah!!!
Mitnagdim need to take responsibility for their own failures and stop blaming chassidim for everything. As far as the Chassidim opposing the Zionists. You regret to mention that the Mitnagdim opposed Zionism as well.
The greatest Mitnagdic Rabbis opposed Zionism. The Chofetz Chaim said that the Zionists were amalek. His student, Rav Elchonon Wasserman said that the Zionist state would be a " Medinat Yevsektzia" Yevsektzia were the Jewish Communists who where big Mosrim. The Brisker Rav and Rav Velvel Soleveichik where all as anti-zionist as Satmar.

The Chazon Ish said that anyone who celebrates yom haatzmaut is an apikores and a cofer even if he kept the entire Torah.

Rav Shach said that when he dies, if he is asked why he was anti-zionist, he will say "Because the Chofetz Chaim was".

These are the greatest of the Mitnagdic Rabbis, They were as anti-zionist as Satmar, and yet you reserve ALL of your anger for the Chassidim and you claim that the only reason the Mitnagdim were messed is because of the chassidim. Your hatred of Chassidim knows no bounds and you are even willing to deny reality to blame everything on them.
OK, That is enough for this week. Please respond in your usually forceful manner but don't take my arguments personally as I sensed you did last week. I support Rav Kahane's ideas 100% and I wish for nothing less than a Kahanist takeover is Israel, I just disagree with you on a few theological issues.                         

                                                                   Judea Non Capta


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