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Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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A Funeral
« on: January 28, 2008, 12:10:22 PM »
A Funeral
   It was recently reported that arch-terrorist and founder of the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), George Habash, died. There was mourning throughout the Arab communities as one of their leaders passed away. The mourning even extended into the Israeli Knesset, where several Arab MK’s chose to attend Habash’s funeral. The outrage that followed, actually surprised me. The anger came from the left and the right, the center and the extreme, the longtime politicians and the newbies. They all were shocked that Arab members of the Knesset would dare attend the funeral of a terrorist.
   Why they are shocked, I don’t know.  To me it was not surprising at all. I am not outraged. I am not angry at those Arab MK’s who attend the funeral of a terrorist who has killed scores of Jews. However, I do find myself outraged, shocked and angry at those Jewish Mk’s who now scream about Israeli Arabs, yet do nothing to stop them from electing whomever they want. A member of the Yisrael Beiteinu party stated, “Israeli Arab MKs show contempt for the State of Israel; they believe in murder, in the destruction of the State of Israel and the obliteration of the Jewish People.” Not a statement I would disagree with at all, but one has to wonder what Yisrael Beiteinu plans on doing about it. Would they dare take away voting rights from Arabs? Would they dare state that Israel is a Jewish State before it is a democracy? The answer, sadly, is that Yisrael Beiteinu will say whatever it has to to get elected, but will then do as it pleases.
   One might hope that the more right leaning National Union would declare what was necessary, but a member there, stated, “Knesset Members who openly mourn and support one of the worst terrorists of our generation need to be thrown out of the Knesset.”  A shocking, even racist proclamation, yet still he has not explained what he will do to keep them from being elected, or what he plans to do when new Arabs with the same views are elected. Are we going to simply have a rotating seat, where Arab MK’s will come and go every few hours? Would National Union dare stand up and ban the rights of Arabs from voting? Would National Union call for the banning of all, not just the ones who openly admit their hostility, from the Knesset? Would National Union support a bill to end the rights of all non-Jews to vote in the State of Israel, the Jewish State? Would National Union dare stand up and allow themselves to be called “racists”, “fascists” and more? National Union who has so much to lose in their Knesset seats, understands how to play politics. They yell and scream and proclaim, yet in the end they do nothing. They dare not cause the controversy that is necessary in order to achieve the dream of Israel, becoming more than a State of Jews and into a Jewish State.
   There is only one solution to the problem. We need a real party, that is Torah based and understands the way to transform the nation. In the coming election that party will likely be, Baruch Marzel’s Hazit, Jewish National Front, party. Marzel had a long and distinguished career next to Rabbi Meir Kahane, who first realized the threat that Arab MK’s pose. The threat is not in their going to funerals, the threat is in their numbers, when they have 50 or 60 Knesset members and can make a majority. Then they will change everything Jewish about the State of Israel, starting with the name. They will then annex Judea and Samaria, (something our current government refuses to do), and create one unified “Palestine”, on our land. There is only one solution, the rejection of Arab voting rights, and the deportation of all terrorists and their families. Marzel knows what to do, as do many other organizations, who don’t run for the Knesset. Time is short and Hillel’s words call out to us “If not now, When”?

*you can see the article on the funeral on A-7

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: A Funeral
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 12:12:10 PM »
We Jews are a very silly people... Thank goodness Gd can tolerate us...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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