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Shalom from Canada!

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I learned about JTF by following a link from a Christian forum to and saw a video in which the statement "we are armed with faith and truth" was made so here I am to take a stand for truth and show my support for Israel and am praying for her every day.  I also pray for muslims around the world that they seek and find the truth.  I do not hate muslims as I am instructed by the Lord Jesus Christ to love the sinner and hate the sin.  This is not an easy thing to do in light of what's going on in the world but I could not call myself a follower of Christ if I had hate in my heart for anyone.  As difficult as it is to witness all of the unrighteousness of Islam in this world, (even in my own country) I belive we must put all of our trust in G_D and his word.  Our governments have failed us miserably but we must continue to stand in faith and truth and know that He's the one who's really in charge.  We must all repent and turn to Him. That is our only hope.  G_D bless Israel!

Hail Columbia:
Welcome to the board, I see that there are still some Christians left in Canada O0





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