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Ask JTF For December 10 Broadcast
Hello, Mr Chaim Ben Pesach
Did the mutant that pored ink on the honorable and much revered Rabbi Meir Kahane in November of 1986,
receive any retribution?
Thank you,
Dear Chaim,
You take good care of your health, but do you laugh enough?
When was the last time that you laughed and why?
Hello Chaim,
Hope the week finds you well, healthy, and happy. Specifically, I hope you are over that cold from last week. I was very happy to hear the interview and hope it is just the beginning of an expanded audience for you and JTF's views. I contacted New York One news this week. I feel that you would be a great guest for some of there roundtable discussions, but they might be too politically correct, and all that other nonsense, but we'll see.
Incidentally, speaking of political corectness. Although I have been watching your programs on QPTV for years, I don't think I've ever bothered to watch any other program on that despicable channel, other than a few minutes here and there before the JTF shows start. A friend of mine made a tape of several of these shows, including quite a few focused on Islam, blacks, etc. He showed me the highlights, and I discovered that these programs are 10 times more politically incorrect than JTF. Of course, it is okay when these Black Muslim animals tell virulent lies and curse whites and Jews on the air, but when Chaim Ben Pesach returns fire he is ridiculed in the Daily News by a beast, etc. Once again, anti-semitism and hypocrisy at work. Oh how I would love to see you debate these pieces of garbage and put them in there place, but then again, they are not even worth your time.
Speaking of anti-semitism, I very much enjoyed your defense of the Talmud on last week's show. It's a shame that in this day and age some people actually believe the vicious and ridiculous lies told about this great commentary, but you did a great job of showing how foolish they are.
Finally, my question for the week. My father was born in Egypt and immigrated to Israel as a young child, before moving to America where he met my mother and had me. He fought in the 1967 6 Day War, and he and I greatly appreciate the kind words you have had to say about the war and it's veterans. My question is about Ariel Sharon. I know how you feel about him, especially his later day actions as a political leader before falling ill. I agree his desire to give up Israeli land is unforgivable, and I never understood these actions. However, I must admit that as a child I do remember my father speaking very fondly about him as a leader and strategist during the '67 war against the Muslim Nazis. I believe his name even served as inspiration for my own (please don't hold it against me). I was wondering if you bellieve that Sharon once was a great Jew and military leader whose political ambitions drove him to evil later in life or was he always corrupt? Should we also remember some of the good if there was any? Thanks for the time as always. Until next week G-d willing. Be well.
Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
Dear Chaim- writing a reminder for you to make a class about Hannukah. ( You told me to remind you here before every holiday for a special JTF show.
Last week some one said that that the Vilna Gaon was against Gilgul Nishamot. I read the opposite. The Vilna Gaon writes about Gilgul Nishamot. Also you said that believing in Gilgul Nishamot is IDOLOTRY :o , are you saying that all the Great Torah giants minus Rabbi Sadiya Gaon, were idolaters ? The Ramban, the Vilna Gaon, the Rashash and every 1 else were/ are idolaters ???.
next question- who do you concider to be the leading Torah giant of our generation. ( some 1 thats alive today).
Shalom, shalom Chaim! Good evening.
I just wanted to say that you possess the characteristics of your father, z"l.
Okay, my questions for this week are:
1. Are the Kahanists doing anything about the situation in Sderot?
2. Do you think that any effort should be concentrated on reaching out to Jewish youth in America?
By the way, thank you for the info on Audio Forum! I was actually considering going to this Conserved abomination that offered Hebrew lessons.
You're a gentleman and a scholar.
Kol tuv.
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