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Ask JTF For Yom Sheni Shel Hanukkah, Sunday, December 17.
Christian Zionist:
Shalom Chaim,
When Ruah HaKodesh divinely inspired the writers of the Tanak they wrote the books in scrolls. However when the scrolls started aging they subsequent generations of the Jewish scholars copied them over to new scrolls. During that process some transmission errors occured like typo's, grammar mistakes and differences in numerical figures. Right now both Jewish and Christian scholars use the traditional Massoretic Hebrew texts to translate the Tanak.
The Dead Sea scrolls reveal interesting things. The contents are remarkably closer to the Septuagint than to the traditional Massoretic text. The Dead Sea Scrolls differ from Tanak that we read today in the following (some examples):
1. Joseph brags before Pharoh "Who would interpret the dream other than me" as opposed to the Joseph saying "Not me but God would interpret the dreams which is quoted as an example for humility by Jewish and Christian preachers.
2. 75 Jewish forefathers went to Egypt with Jacob instead of 70
3. Moses was buried by the Israelis (and not by God)
4. Goliath's height was only about 7 feet instead of 9 feet.
Therefore I think both Jews and Christian Bible translators should swallow their pride and translate the Tanak from the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are countless sermons preached, commentaries written and songs composed base upon the traditional Massoretic text which has more scribal errors than the Dead Sea Scrolls. What is your take on this?
Christian Zionist
Hello Chaim,
I wanted to bring this up a while back but had other questions in the past so it kept skipping my mind but now I decided to ask. Around the time when the Iranian Muslim Midget Nazi leader was visiting into the UN and that other piece of garbage Chavez a few months back they had on the TV news the Iranian Mutant visiting these Black hat Jewish group I can't remember the name of this group sorry. But it was aired the Iranian animal sitting around these people who want to call themselves Rabbis and I personally was floored by this the Iranian that continue to claim there was never a Holocaust however he praises Hitler. And continue to threaten Israel and this group that calls themselves Jews in Manhattan if I remember were all smiling at him, shaking hands with him and I could not believe it as a Catholic man myself I couldn't. Now I agree the Christians and Catholics are beginning to go down this crazy path where we continue to have people kissing behind to the most evil. I mean we have Bush walking hand in hand with the Saudi Prince who is the top financial in the insurgents that are killing American young men and women in Iraq. Yes I saw that recently too. But to go back about these Rabbis I really did not know what to say or think when I saw tha it just blew my mind and shaking my head. These same so called Rabbis are the same one that claim that Zionism is the root problem of Israel and the West including here in the United States. Would you happen to know this group by chance I am sure better then me of course and what is your take on this?
Thank you very much
Dear Chaim,
I wanted to let you know that I am a videographer and sound engineer in training. I'd like to offer my services to Baruch Marzel after I make Aliyah and Id like to know if there is anything I can do for you before I make Aliyah, I'll be in America for about another year. I also wanted to say that whoever created your hebrew site did a excellent job, is whoever made the site a proffesional web designer? If he is maybe he can give Baruch Marzel a hand with the Hazit web site in particular.
In the past I asked you about your writing a book about your experiences with the Rav. I remember you told me that book publishers refused you on the grounds you were too "controversial" i.e. you fought for a good cause. So have you ever considered writing the book yourself?
Chaim, just last Tuesday Gennadiy Fabyeshenko, organized a event at Brooklyn College where he brought in a Proffesor, who is also a Kahanist, to speak to the students about the truth of the "Palestinians" and Eretz Yisrael, he brought in Kahanist literature and paraphenilia and a crew of guys. He had flyers put up and had told all the student unions what he was doing. When Gennadiy showed up the hall where the event was to take place was empty, because the local Hillel had torn down all his flyers and called all the student unions on the Monday before the event telling them the event had been cancelled. In the end twenty people showed up to the event. A few of those twenty even now want to be involved with Kahanist activity. My question is did you ever have to deal with similiar efforts to undercut your activities by left-wing Jews?
Dear Chaim:
On last week's ask JTF show, you mentioned that Jews are a religion, not a race, and I completely agree with you. Yet I'm sure you know that there are plenty of moonbatty liberal Jews who vehemently insist that Jews are a race. Now I know this is not true as there are three races -- Caucasians, Negroes and Orientals/Asians. (Yacov Menashe adds that Australoids are the fourth race which Australian Aborigines and dark skinned Asian Indians belong to.) So I don't understand where these people are coming from. Also, why do you think these people are so fixated on Jews being a race when they view race as completely irrelevant for other minorities?
And also, anyone with even half a brain can see that there are blond haired blue eyed Jews, red haired Jews, and dark haired, olive skinned Jews, etc. So how would you respond to these people? (Yacov Menashe adds that any Caucasian can have those features. Caucasian is the only race that has a variation in features. Real diversity is the variation of whites. Not the so-called diversity of today.)
True Kahanist:
Hi Chaim,
Thanks for answering my question last week.
G-d Willing when I go to Yeshiva in the future which one do you recommend for me as you already know I only align myself with Kahanists and Kahanist views. I know that many of the Yeshivas in Jerusalem are right wing pro-kahanist, but which can you recommend for me.
Toda Achi
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