General Category > Introduce Yourself
Let's make a few things perfectly clear...
First of all, yes, I am what is commonly known in the "cyber world" as a "newbie". This is the first time that I am posting on this sacred forum. Of course I am going to exercise some discrection in regards to my identity because it's no secret that there are those in this society who vehemently oppose what I believe to be the righteous mission which the heroes of JTF have so selflessly embarked on.
Let's make a few things perfectly clear...
1. I am a U.S. citizen and proud as heck of my nation.
2. It is my firm belief that the JTF mission is the mission of G-d. It is G-d himself who endorses this work from the clouds of the heavens.
3. I do my reasonable best in my "everyday life" to oppose those who make it their sole purpose to conflict with the wholesome and "family oriented" ideas and mission of JTF. I realize that this is often a dangerous practice, due to the constant threat against that which is right and just.
4. I regularly tune in to watch JTF's ever enlightening television broadcasts, if there's neighbors who are not "comfortable" with hearing the righteous words blaring out of my TV while same broadcast is on, too gosh darn bad for them-- it's time they hear "the truth".
Am I understood? Thought so.... Thanks... Now let's get down to the extremely important business of addressing the prevalent issues, because quite frankly, that's what I believe we're all gathered here for!!!
You sound very familiar! :) Welcome a board!!!
By the way why do you call yourself Abdi? Is that a word in Hebrew.......
Yes, Abdi is indeed a Hebrew name. I would like to thank you all for your warm and gracious welcoming. It is nothing short of refreshing to be among what I truly believe to be the best of "cyber friends" one could possibly find on the entire worldwide web. We can seek comfort in knowing that for the most part, we share similar views and opinions regarding the extremely strong and evil opposition we face in these most troubling of times.
As I wrote earlier, I do believe that it is wise for me to practice an ample degree of discretion and not delve to deeply into my identity, as we know that there can often be serious repercussions from those in the "establishment", employers, officials, traders of the State, etc, who would like nothing more than to see us all "wiped off the face of the earth"... That said, let us engage in thought provoking discussion and offer the much needed support to each other that will help further our mission (and JTF's mission) in this conflict with the horrific depravity that surrounds us like the true plague that it is--- Let us find harmony and strength among ourselves to endure this wicked conflict and hopefully lead us triumphantly to eventual victory.
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