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Muslim Congressmen

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Hail Columbia:

--- Quote from: fjack on January 03, 2007, 03:14:21 PM ---Dear Hail Columbia , I have a foolproof test, just ask them to name their father. That would elimante 80 percent of the blacks from voting.

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Even better, just ask them to name their biological father.  That eliminates even more of them.


--- Quote from: azrom on December 11, 2006, 11:29:24 PM ---^ I agree. I can't believe the people of Minnesota would elect a muslim, they must be brainwashed with liberal propoganda.

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Why do you think that Minnesota has such a huge influx of filthy hmong and somali vermin? The same reason they have a muslim pig sworn in on a koran. Unbelievable. It's only a matter of time before some other perverse hater of Judeo/Christianity demands to be sworn in on an L Ron Hubbard book or worse.  America, wake up before it is too late!

The somalis and the humong are parasites that live off of the stupidity of the liberal american trash that dominate in the former USA. How do you thind that the liberals have gotten into power? I will tell, you why. They do not work for a living, Edwards won a tremendous trail case about PRO LIFE  and he against abortion. These liberals have never worked for a living, never worked their way through college, never work to pay rent, coned, nor heat. The liberals live in a dream 'beatles' type world, where everyone is 'equal' everyone is a genius, everyone has the same values, They are wrong and they should be forced to live with these animals instead of making us live with the child molesters, killers, robbers, welfare leeches, food stamps leeches, section eight housing leeches, medicare leeches, educational leeches and the whole nut of what the white Americans must pay for. I am sick and tired of this, and I will not stop posting on any site that I feel that can make a difference. If you or any black or hispanic don't like it, call the white Jew hater, White hater paula (little breasts, she hates whites in general even though she makes a eight million dollar salary a year.

Re:  "...It's only a matter of time before some other perverse hater of Judeo/Christianity demands to be sworn in on an L Ron Hubbard book or worse..."

The U.S. Marine Corps builds a monument "Tribute to Islam".

The U.S. Armed Forces are now forced by the courts to have Wiccan "priests" & Wicca "ceremonies" for soldiers.

Rest assured, the Dems will have a Wiccan "witch" open the Congress with prayers to "gaya" & "the moon goddess" soon.

Florida has taken "In G-d We Trust" off of their official election literature which it mails out.

Is it any wonder we have a nation which manufactures the highest-tech weaponry and sells more of it worldwide than any other country; yet can't win a war?

If I am ever elected I will asked to sworn in on a copy of D.W. Griffith's 'Birth of a Nation'. I wonder if the liberal press will say 'it really doesn't matter what he holds his right hand on when he is sworn in'.


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