Save Western Civilization > Save America
Letter to me from a typical American Jewish kid
You heard the kid! We have to see the Hebrew Hammer!
The kid has a point. What should Jews have against Spanish or Chinese? Also, only black "leaders" are bigoted. I know personally blacks who are very pro-Jewish. In truth, it is best if JTF opens up its site to some dark skinned people if it wants to take off.
--- Quote from: petre on December 26, 2006, 12:47:43 AM ---The kid has a point. What should Jews have against Spanish or Chinese? Also, only black "leaders" are bigoted. I know personally blacks who are very pro-Jewish. In truth, it is best if JTF opens up its site to some dark skinned people if it wants to take off.
--- End quote ---
Where do you get that JTF is anti Spanish or anti-Chinese? Chaim has made it clear he has nothing against hard working americans of Hispanic origin who came to this country in the past LEGALLY (such as the Cubans in Miami etc.) And when did he ever say anything anti-Chinese?
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