is this his site?
that fpö 's site indeed
He looks like he wants to act like a U.S. politician
Some point of the politics for the country are good, but this party is unbelievable worse when it comes to foreign policy and social care.
look for yourself -> Here is the FPÖ fighting for our good old friend Moshe Ayre Friedmann. Because the jewish community of Austria has banned him and throwed his kids out of the jewish school, because he don't paid the school-money.
[Please excuse for the horrible babelfish translation
Striking failure of the city school advice president Infuriated about the further verweigerung of the school attendance for the children of Moishe Arye Friedman today FPOe Bundesparteiobmann HC Strache showed up. This scandal must be terminated immediately. "Auf the back of children no politics may made werden", stressed Strache. Friedmans of children could not be finally made liable for the opinions of their father. The fact that despite a provisional order of the higher regional court Vienna the school attendance is continued to refuse to them is not portable. In addition come the enormous psychological pressure, which the procedure brings to the school for the children with itself. Strache sees here also a striking failure of city school advice president Brandsteidl. This would have had to intervene already long, instead of referring to the school district inspector. This is a more than negligent behavior. The FPOe chairman appealed both to the school and to the Israeli tables Kultusgemeinde to finally let and think particularly of the children reason in-turn. Finally primarily their psyche and future goes around. They might not be made the ball of the arguments of the adults.