The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
One day without war.......
The worst disaster that can befall any person is to come out of their mother's womb alive ... death is to be celebrated more than the birth of new life because death is the conclusion of a voyage while the beginning of life is the beginning of a whole new adventure which could go terribly wrong ... etc ... but above all else the company of someone you love makes life bearable. Anything else is a displacement and a substitution and cannot provide lasting real happiness.
That air head john lennon thought like that and he got his brains blown out. As long as you have stupid, jealous and lazy type of people, you will have wars. The only way for peace is to control the borders and only let people in the country that share your values.
fake plastic trees:
--- Quote from: fjack on December 07, 2006, 06:10:24 PM ---That air head john lennon thought like that and he got his brains blown out. As long as you have stupid, jealous and lazy type of people, you will have wars. The only way for peace is to control the borders and only let people in the country that share your values.
--- End quote ---
that is so true
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