Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
--- Quote from: serbian-russian-jew on October 12, 2009, 03:16:39 PM ---i doubt there are other jews in dragacevo. what happened was, im the oldest of 2 brothers. after my parents split up i went and lived with my dad. i was the only one baptized and my other brother was not. I always went to church and he went to a synagogue. He had the barmitzvah and i did not , and again this was because of the way i was raised. They celebrate hanukah, I celebrate bozic and slava. So there is a huge difference in the way we were brought up. There are probably a very significant few that are like me.
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Maybe it would be interesting to you to find out more about the heritage and tradition of Jewish people. After all, your mother is Jewish which makes you 100% Jewish, as you correctly said.
Check out: (in English) (in Russian)
Also, Serbia is a great country. We support Serbia here. Beacaue of Croatian and Muslim propaganda, people in the West often have a distorted and biased understanding of what happened and is going on in your country and around it. If you have something to share with us on this issue, please feel free to post.
Hello! Just found your site today and were happy to join the cause. We have to make Serbian-Jewish relations much better if we want to survive. I just moved to the Netherlands a few months ago(from Serbia) and were shocked to see what is happening to Europe. I'm trying to open my eyes and see what this world is turning to.
--- Quote from: Boris on December 21, 2009, 10:41:35 AM ---Hello! Just found your site today and were happy to join the cause. We have to make Serbian-Jewish relations much better if we want to survive. I just moved to the Netherlands a few months ago(from Serbia) and were shocked to see what is happening to Europe. I'm trying to open my eyes and see what this world is turning to.
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Dobrodosao Borise (nadam se da se ne prezivas Tadic:))
What did you see in Nederlands?
Congratulations Boris and welcome!
What you say is completely true, something really sick is going on in the Netherlands (and western EU). I was nearly attacked on the streets for wearing a Star of David, natives get attacked for wearing their national colors. There are also rumors, that muzzies want an independent muslim state in the middle of the Netherlands. There can be a civil war here, so let's stay in touch we may need each other in the future for mutual self-defense.
Thank you all for your warm welcome. My surname is not Tadic:) It would be really shameful to share a surname with that "person".
I was born in Slovenia, spent war years in Serbia, got back to Slovenia around the time Milosevic lost power, then back to Serbia for couple of years before coming to the Netherlands this spring to live with my girlfriend, who is from Slovenia.
Well the first thing you see in the Netherlands are ... Muslims. You don't notice any other religions. Headscarves everywhere. It's clear that those people don't want to accept the culture of the country they came to live in. I met some people and they constantly talk about how oppressed they are by Dutch, but in reality it's just an excuse for their own incompetence. If they would live in their own country they would blame something or somebody else (like a ruling regime).
The craziest thing is that you cannot really criticize Muslims for anything because it is considered politically incorrect, while the statistics show that they commit most crimes, are most reluctant to learn the language, but rely on welfare from the government. Its a well known recipe that worked for Albanians that came to Kosovo from Albania.
@hyperion if the statistics are true they won't have to make a separate state if they wait. Number of newborns is already more then 50% muslims. Good thing they are dumb as hell so at-least its easier to get a job to me then to them. I'm afraid the only war will be between whites accusing each other and killing each other, while muslims just make more children and slowly push us to the margins.
Its so sad to see what happened in Yugoslavia in WW2 and in past 15 years, where it was more important for Catholics to kill Orthodox and Jewish believers then muslims.
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