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Offline Spectator

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i also to have joined because i have the best of both worlds.  my dad is a serb, my mom a russian jew, which makes me 100% jewish although my faith is serbian orthodox. what a weird combination lol.

Добродошао, добро пожаловать and welcome!

Ты говоришь по-русски?
Do you speak Russian?
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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i also to have joined because i have the best of both worlds.  my dad is a serb, my mom a russian jew, which makes me 100% jewish although my faith is serbian orthodox. what a weird combination lol.

You are a Serb.
According to Orthodox rules you receive your identity from your father's side.
If your father is a Serb, than you are a Serb!

Offline serbian-russian-jew

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i also to have joined because i have the best of both worlds.  my dad is a serb, my mom a russian jew, which makes me 100% jewish although my faith is serbian orthodox. what a weird combination lol.

Добродошао, добро пожаловать and welcome!

Ты говоришь по-русски?
Do you speak Russian?

panimaju mnoga. nemnoga gavaru. eh. my russian sucks. lol.  ali znam da pricam srpski odlicno. nema problema.  moj otac je iz dragacevo . najobole trubace odatle

Offline Spectator

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That's great! Feel at home at the forum, it's both Jewish and pro-Serbian :)

What does your Jewish heritage mean to you? Are there other Jews in Dragacevo (or where you live now)?
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 02:39:15 PM by Spectator »
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline serbian-russian-jew

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That's great! Feel at home at the forum, it's both Jewish and pro-Serbian :)

What does your Jewish heritage mean to you? Are there other Jews in Dragacevo (or where you live now)?

i doubt there are other jews in dragacevo.  what happened was, im the oldest of 2 brothers.  after my parents split up i went and lived with my dad.    i was the only one baptized and my other brother was not.  I always went to church and he went to a synagogue.  He had the barmitzvah and i did not , and again this was because of the way i was raised.  They celebrate hanukah, I celebrate bozic and slava.  So there is a huge difference in the way we were brought up.  There are probably a very significant few that are like me. 

Offline Spectator

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i doubt there are other jews in dragacevo.  what happened was, im the oldest of 2 brothers.  after my parents split up i went and lived with my dad.    i was the only one baptized and my other brother was not.  I always went to church and he went to a synagogue.  He had the barmitzvah and i did not , and again this was because of the way i was raised.  They celebrate hanukah, I celebrate bozic and slava.  So there is a huge difference in the way we were brought up.  There are probably a very significant few that are like me. 

Maybe it would be interesting to you to find out more about the heritage and tradition of Jewish people. After all, your mother is Jewish which makes you 100% Jewish, as you correctly said.

Check out: (in English) (in Russian)

Also, Serbia is a great country. We support Serbia here. Beacaue of Croatian and Muslim propaganda, people in the West often have a distorted and biased understanding of what happened and is going on in your country and around it. If you have something to share with us on this issue, please feel free to post.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Boris

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Hello! Just found your site today and were happy to join the cause. We have to make Serbian-Jewish relations much better if we want to survive. I just moved to the Netherlands a few months ago(from Serbia) and were shocked to see what is happening to Europe. I'm trying to open my eyes and see what this world is turning to.

Offline voo-yo

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Hello! Just found your site today and were happy to join the cause. We have to make Serbian-Jewish relations much better if we want to survive. I just moved to the Netherlands a few months ago(from Serbia) and were shocked to see what is happening to Europe. I'm trying to open my eyes and see what this world is turning to.
Dobrodosao Borise (nadam se da se ne prezivas Tadic:))
What did you see in Nederlands?

Offline hyperion

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Congratulations Boris and welcome!

What you say is completely true, something really sick is going on in the Netherlands (and western EU). I was nearly attacked on the streets for wearing a Star of David, natives get attacked for wearing their national colors. There are also rumors, that muzzies want an independent muslim state in the middle of the Netherlands. There can be a civil war here, so let's stay in touch we may need each other in the future for mutual self-defense.

Offline Boris

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Thank you all for your warm welcome. My surname is not Tadic:) It would be really shameful to share a surname with that "person".
I was born in Slovenia, spent war years in Serbia, got back to Slovenia around the time Milosevic lost power, then back to Serbia for couple of years before coming to the Netherlands this spring to live with my girlfriend, who is from Slovenia.

Well the first thing you see in the Netherlands are ... Muslims. You don't notice any other religions. Headscarves everywhere. It's clear that those people don't want to accept the culture of the country they came to live in. I met some people and they constantly talk about how oppressed they are by Dutch, but in reality it's just an excuse for their own incompetence. If they would live in their own country they would blame something or somebody else (like a ruling regime).
The craziest thing is that you cannot really criticize Muslims for anything  because it is considered politically incorrect, while the statistics show that they commit most crimes, are most reluctant to learn the language, but rely on welfare from the government. Its a well known recipe that worked for Albanians that came to Kosovo from Albania.

@hyperion if the statistics are true they won't have to make a separate state if they wait. Number of newborns is already more then 50% muslims. Good thing they are dumb as hell so at-least its easier to get a job to me then to them. I'm afraid the only war will be between whites accusing each other and killing each other, while muslims just make more children and slowly push us to the margins.
Its so sad to see what happened in Yugoslavia in WW2 and in past 15 years, where it was more important for Catholics to kill Orthodox and Jewish believers then muslims.

Offline Dan

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Welcome Aboard Boris!

Offline hyperion

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Well the first thing you see in the Netherlands are ... Muslims. You don't notice any other religions. Headscarves everywhere. It's clear that those people don't want to accept the culture of the country they came to live in. I met some people and they constantly talk about how oppressed they are by Dutch, but in reality it's just an excuse for their own incompetence. If they would live in their own country they would blame something or somebody else (like a ruling regime).

You don't notice any other religions on the street, because the "poor", and "oppressed" muslims cannot tolerate anybody who has a different belief system or people who want to stand up for their native culture. So: they attack anybody 1. with a Dutch flag 2. wearing a Star of David (I was attacked for this one) 3. wearing a cross. While they proudly go around in their headscarves, Islamic symbols and with "palestinian" flags (yuck!). I am absolutely certain that they are NOT oppressed by the Dutch. I have found the Dutch a very nice and helpful people. There wouldn't be any problems in this country if the Maroccans weren't here. Jews in the Western part of the country (this is where most Muslims live) regularly get attacked by Muslims, their homes get torched. I know such people.

The craziest thing is that you cannot really criticize Muslims for anything  because it is considered politically incorrect, while the statistics show that they commit most crimes, are most reluctant to learn the language, but rely on welfare from the government. Its a well known recipe that worked for Albanians that came to Kosovo from Albania.

Yes, yes. Do you know PVV and Geert Wilders? Once in a time it was touted in the television: "Geert Wilders is an extreme rightist who undermines democracy." Well, Wilders has nothing to do with far-right he just wants to get rid of Islamic oppressors. There is nothing far-right about his beliefs. By the way, this political correctness makes me sick, but I'm sure that there will be change during the elections.

@hyperion if the statistics are true they won't have to make a separate state if they wait. Number of newborns is already more then 50% muslims. Good thing they are dumb as hell so at-least its easier to get a job to me then to them. I'm afraid the only war will be between whites accusing each other and killing each other, while muslims just make more children and slowly push us to the margins.
Its so sad to see what happened in Yugoslavia in WW2 and in past 15 years, where it was more important for Catholics to kill Orthodox and Jewish believers then muslims

Yeah, yeah, there are a lot of newborns here, but as you may have noticed their population is concentrated in big cities where they cannot grow food. There are rumours that the financial crisis will become deeper, more serious and after these the welfare cannot be financed from our taxes and muzzies will starve.
Muslims dumb? Well I often go to libraries to read, but I have never seen a single muslim or even an arab there... :::D :::D They don't even read newspapers... Go into your local library or bookshop and look around.  ;D

Offline voo-yo

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Yeah, yeah, there are a lot of newborns here, but as you may have noticed their population is concentrated in big cities where they cannot grow food. There are rumours that the financial crisis will become deeper, more serious and after these the welfare cannot be financed from our taxes and muzzies will starve.
We had the same situation in Bosnia. Muslims mostly lived in cities, while Serbs were farmers. That's why over 70% of land was serbian property. But when the war broke out, starved muslims from towns started to raid nearby serbian villages.
That's actually the reason for Srebrenica. 10 000 strong muslim army from that supposedly demilitarized city raided our villages for 3 years, and they killed several thousand serbian civilians (mostly old people, women, children). They had it coming.
The same can happen in western Europe.

Offline hyperion

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We had the same situation in Bosnia. Muslims mostly lived in cities, while Serbs were farmers. That's why over 70% of land was serbian property. But when the war broke out, starved muslims from towns started to raid nearby serbian villages.
That's actually the reason for Srebrenica. 10 000 strong muslim army from that supposedly demilitarized city raided our villages for 3 years, and they killed several thousand serbian civilians (mostly old people, women, children). They had it coming.
The same can happen in western Europe.

Yes, it can happen. And I think it will happen sooner or later (and the very thought of muslim invasion gives me the creeps), so within 5 years I will be preparing myself for Aliyah. I am an immigrant too in the Netherlands, I also came from Eastern Europe (Hungary).

What I find disturbing is that the local population hasn't participated in compulsory military service for generations. If muslims go into frenzy a huge massacre will happen even greater than the ones in your villages. They just get on with their lives and don't know how to protect themselves. And that is why muslims attack so confidently the natives on the streets. I saw 6 moroccan guys getting on the bus pushing everybody aside and throwing several people in the face with snow. Nobody dared to do anything. They are arrogant and they are the ones in power here.

Here is the advice I got from a friend:

The financial crisis (which is deeper than politicians dare admit) is the dark horse here. When welfare payments lose their values due to inflation, violence is sure to erupt.

  On a personal level, there are useful things to do:

   - Avoid living in urban centers.
   - Work and save - in gold (or silver), not fiat currency.
   - Be good to friends and partners.
   - Learn to use firearms - or at least know people who do.

   It will be hugely chaotic, as our current political 'Elite' will be washed away. But Islam makes for dreadfully inefficient behaviour. If we can stick to our property, we will eventually be able to set the terms on which to help starving Muslims. Apostacy is a good proposal - convert or starve!

Offline voo-yo

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We had the same situation in Bosnia. Muslims mostly lived in cities, while Serbs were farmers. That's why over 70% of land was serbian property. But when the war broke out, starved muslims from towns started to raid nearby serbian villages.
That's actually the reason for Srebrenica. 10 000 strong muslim army from that supposedly demilitarized city raided our villages for 3 years, and they killed several thousand serbian civilians (mostly old people, women, children). They had it coming.
The same can happen in western Europe.

Yes, it can happen. And I think it will happen sooner or later (and the very thought of muslim invasion gives me the creeps), so within 5 years I will be preparing myself for Aliyah. I am an immigrant too in the Netherlands, I also came from Eastern Europe (Hungary).

What I find disturbing is that the local population hasn't participated in compulsory military service for generations. If muslims go into frenzy a huge massacre will happen even greater than the ones in your villages. They just get on with their lives and don't know how to protect themselves. And that is why muslims attack so confidently the natives on the streets. I saw 6 moroccan guys getting on the bus pushing everybody aside and throwing several people in the face with snow. Nobody dared to do anything. They are arrogant and they are the ones in power here.

Here is the advice I got from a friend:

The financial crisis (which is deeper than politicians dare admit) is the dark horse here. When welfare payments lose their values due to inflation, violence is sure to erupt.

  On a personal level, there are useful things to do:

   - Avoid living in urban centers.
   - Work and save - in gold (or silver), not fiat currency.
   - Be good to friends and partners.
   - Learn to use firearms - or at least know people who do.

   It will be hugely chaotic, as our current political 'Elite' will be washed away. But Islam makes for dreadfully inefficient behaviour. If we can stick to our property, we will eventually be able to set the terms on which to help starving Muslims. Apostacy is a good proposal - convert or starve!
I don't think such scenario is possible. Liberal, democratic, secular, hedonistic Dutch cannot beat Muslims. They must change their way of life or they will be the ones who will have to convert. This goes for entire western Europe.

Offline Boris

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I know Wilders. His story shows that political correctness(gone mad) has no patience for any critical thinking. He just showed what Imams are saying in mosques, and what Muslim agenda is and was accused of being a racist and similar stuff.

Keeping your savings in gold is very smart. Its strange how people are afraid that gold could lose value, which is impossible. because there is only about 20m3 of gold available.

I think we should open a Meetup group for the Netherlands and have drink & discussion nights. I will browse for any similar groups or just create a new one.

Offline hyperion

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I know Wilders. His story shows that political correctness(gone mad) has no patience for any critical thinking. He just showed what Imams are saying in mosques, and what Muslim agenda is and was accused of being a racist and similar stuff.
Keeping your savings in gold is very smart. Its strange how people are afraid that gold could lose value, which is impossible. because there is only about 20m3 of gold available.
I think we should open a Meetup group for the Netherlands and have drink & discussion nights. I will browse for any similar groups or just create a new one.

Meetup group? Good idea! I'm interested in your thoughts and the thoughts of other JTF-ers anyway. It is very strange that Political Correctness is considered a virtue here and even though people know that they cannot walk on the streets in safety, they still protect these sc*m. But this will change soon, Wilders will be the President.

Keeping your savings in gold is very smart. Its strange how people are afraid that gold could lose value, which is impossible. because there is only about 20m3 of gold available.

I wouldn't prefer to keep my savings in gold. I'm sure its value is more stable, but where can I keep it? The safest thing would be to rent a place in a bank, but if chaos ensues they will steal it. The best thing would be to have a house of my own, but in the Netherlands it is nearly impossible to achieve since real estate is very expensive.

Offline Boris

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do you have an idea what to call it? maybe jewish-serbian friendship or something more vague? i'm afraid JTF would be too direct and that they would not alow it.

Offline Boris

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damn, i need a credit card to create a group, and it won't take paypal. It's strange that there are no similar groups there. I will do it when i get back to Rotterdam at the end of January. Right now i'm on a balkan trip...

Offline hyperion

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Something more vague is better I think. Let's make a group the name of which is suitable for anybody who wants to join to resist Islam. Again we should have a plan so that we can silently but forcefully resist Islam. We should be aware of the Politically Correct thought police at all times.

Offline ProudToBeSerb

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I want to thank to all JTF and Chaim Ben Pesah for standing for Serbs. You are doing better promotion of Serbia than our president :) I found this site on youtube and I was nicely suprised when I came up to clip where Ben was talking about Kosovo and Albanians and Croatians. It is nice to know that some people know the truth about it.
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

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Dorbro nam Dosao!
We are most glad to have you here and your support is needed as we are battling the Islamo-Fascists all around the world...

Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Bojle vas nasao : )  Znas kako kazu - Ne daj Boze da se Srbi sloze : )
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!

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  • יברך אלוהים את אמריקה ואת ישראל וכל אוהבי ע&a
The Serbs are our brothers.. God bless you, people!

Offline ProudToBeSerb

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Thanks bro  : )
Daj Boze da se Srbi sloze !!!