Author Topic: A Tribute To Melech Ben Yisrael, Z"L  (Read 3058 times)

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A Tribute To Melech Ben Yisrael, Z"L
« on: December 24, 2006, 02:57:19 AM »
A Tribute To Melech Ben Yisrael, Z"L

(Originally published by JTF.ORG on January 24, 2001)

Melech Ben Yisrael, zichrono livracha (may his memory be immortalized), lost his long battle with cancer, passing away on 21 Tevet 5761, January 16, 2001.

Melech was a 15-year-old Jewish Task Force (JTF) enthusiast who was afflicted with cancer when he offered in 1996 to help us with the taping of our television programs.

Melech spent long hours assisting JTF even when he was sick from the devastating effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatments that he had to undergo in order to arrest his cancer and place him in remission.

Melech eventually developed leukemia and underwent a bone marrow transplant in an attempt to fight the disease. The bone marrow was donated by his father. Unfortunately, the transplant failed and the cancer quickly reappeared, this time spreading mercilessly into his bloodstream.

Melech died at the age of 19.

We will never forget how Melech would run to the restroom in between taping JTF programs in order to throw up as a result of the severe nausea caused by chemotherapy. Melech would run the tap water in the sink of the restroom so that we would not hear him throwing up.

Two weeks before his death, Melech called Chaim Ben Pesach, JTF's National Chairman, to thank JTF for writing about his condition on the web site and for discussing it on the television programs.

Melech then asked Chaim: "What will you write about me when I die?"

Melech Ben Yisrael was a wonderful young idealist, a righteous soul and a Jewish hero. He will be sorely missed, but as long as there is a JTF, he will never be forgotten.

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Re: A Tribute To Melech Ben Yisrael, Z"L
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2006, 03:55:37 PM »
We will never forget how Melech would run to the restroom in between taping JTF programs in order to throw up

To anyone who does not appreciate the most excellent work of JTF and how people suffer to be able to contribute, that would seem like poking fun.