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While Sweden Slept, excellent article which exposes the true Sweden

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--- Quote from: azrom on December 11, 2006, 11:27:48 PM ---Yes and when jews or christians get attacked they do nothing. I was reading in a book called While Europe Slept about how the author of the book was attacked there and he fought back and he went to the police station to report it and the muslims were already there. The muslims there if someone fights back goes and says they attempted to murder them before the person who was actually attacked files a complaint.

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Very good story. I'll have to read that.  I must say that I am not surprized whatsoever.  The Muslims are not stupid but evil.  They are very crafty people that know how to use every law designed to protect us or organize our "socialist" societies in their favor.  Here in Canada they use our farsical "Hate", "diversity", "multicultural", "welfare", "insurance", "tax"....etc. legislations to name some specifically in their favor over Canadians: Ol-Whitey.  Canada is so dumbed down with "Progressive" thinking that we are one of the stupidest countries in the world.  Canadians don't even see what is going on ALL over Europe, Sudan, India, Israel, Philippines, Russia, South America, North Korea, Cuba are all products of Muslims and Leftist Socio-Political ideologies.  It is terrible..

Oh, for the poster that questioned Canada up above please read about Cyrus Eaton, Bertrand Russell, Vladimir Pavlichenko (their guest), for example but more specifically: The Pugwash Conference.  In short this group of intellectuals, super wealthy and political personalities met in a "think tank" which dictated many of Canadian internal and external policies, government operations and spending.  It is directly comparable to Britian's Fabian Society and Round Table Group, Europe's Bilderberg Group and "Illuminati", America's Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Skull & Bones etc.  I'm sure what knowledge you have of the aforementioned will provide you with a very sound understanding of what these Pugwashites do....and have done to "progress" socialism...and their own personal power within the "elite". 

Just as a side of fact, Canada (Ottawa and then Halifax) recently hosted the Bilderberg meeting of which our Prime Minister and most powerful business conglomerates attended: J.D. Irving Ltd. Empire Group, McCain, Weston and of course Bill Clinton.... afterwhich they all flew over to Fox Harbor (a private retreat for the powerful), in Wallace Nova Scotia (about 5 miles from Pugwash) to stay with another mega wealthy Canadian entrepreneur Ronald Joyce who owns/ed Tim Horton's and half of Wendy's.  So Bill Clinton could play golf with Canada and Europe's most powerful industrialists like Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Arthur Irving, academics, attorneys, actors and entertainers like Oprah
and of course Politicians like George Bush. isn't all a sham......   not at all....  very different people (Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, both Bushes and the rest) all playing golf together and hanging about like family.... 

The writer of the book is a homosexual though, he was saying how in America everyone male had a threatening vibe about them. He was happy in the part of Europe he was in the males didnt have that vibe about them then later in the book he complains about how when he is attacked they don't do anything. He also said the western euros go see American movies just so they can go and say wow that movie was a typical American movie. He also says the western euro media is very anti-american and anti-jew but thats no surprise. Another good book about that sorta stuff is called Menace in Europe.


--- Quote from: azrom on December 12, 2006, 01:40:21 PM ---The writer of the book is a homosexual though, he was saying how in America everyone male had a threatening vibe about them. He was happy in the part of Europe he was in the males didnt have that vibe about them then later in the book he complains about how when he is attacked they don't do anything. He also said the western euros go see American movies just so they can go and say wow that movie was a typical American movie. He also says the western euro media is very anti-american and anti-jew but thats no surprise. Another good book about that sorta stuff is called Menace in Europe.

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Thanks for the overview and the suggestion.  Noted and :)

This article is spot-on.
The UN ranks all of the nations best only if they follow the UN guidelines for being a real democracy within the UN.
Requirements are promote homosexuality and deviancy, open borders to ensure the complete end of the countries' various racial / ethnic / tribal classification which is the only reason they became a country to begin with.
Sovereignty must be ceded to the UN.
Global Socialism under One World UN Rule must be accepted as the future way to a perfect world.

I regularly read the Norweg Aftenposten.
A recent article revealed that at least half of the Norwegian population no longer goes to see a dentist.
When asked why not, responders to the survey listed unaffordable medical bills as the reason.
Highest food prices in the world? -- Norway.
Socialist "Red" "Man-Hating" "Homo-promoting" Leadership? -- Norway again.

By the way, this same "Best Country In the World To Live" according to the UN, is heavily involved in financing International Terrorism as well as the clandestine sale of military arms and weaponry to savage insurrections all over the world.
Of course, this is done while they are not too busy demanding Israel surrender to Islamic maniacs.

The Socialist Party in power is so "progressive" and "democratic", that when an investigative reporter recently filmed a documentary exposing the Norwegian Government's profiting financially by its collusion in aiding and abetting world terrorist movements, the Party DEMANDED that the documentary be banned from viewing, and threatened the film maker as well as those within the national media.

Where is "Pig-nose" Jimmy Carter most frequently found hanging out?
You guessed right again -- Norway

The Socialist Party Education Minister just had all of the nation's school history books re-written.
They now stop just before Quisling took power, and then immediately continue (with quite a large gap in time missing chronologically) with the post WWII Norway.
Also missing, of course, are the many instances of voluntary collaboration with the Nazis by leaders of industry and government.

I hope I am wrong, but I feel certain that this scenario is the exact one which Hillary Clinton will attempt to enact here in the U.S.


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