The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Is there a point?
She is nothing but a sick tormented biped sub human that would feel happier if her and her inbred vile parents would be given more food stamps, medicare and welfare from America. DEATH TO THE FOLLOWERS OF ISLAM
--- Quote from: sarah.... on December 05, 2006, 05:27:01 PM ---what a twisted vile mind you have....
--- End quote ---
What a twisted vile Islamic cult you have
This is not the bubblegum mall.
Please ease up on sarah, she is very sweet and reasonable. :)
The chatter of women is like sweet birdsong to my ears. It lightens my heart and fills me up with joyousness.
Therefore please let women be; patriarchal oppression squanders opportunities and makes the world a heavier place to live in.
Let the beautiful birds roam free - lo! Are they not comely to the sight, like beauteous pearls, like glittering sunlight on a summer's cool eve?
I am in love. :)
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