The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Is there a point?
Shalom Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim, Theosophy is a Gnostic cult. It is the ideology that started this idea of an Aryan man, Atlantian mythology, the Age of Aquarius New Age garbage: They believe in the quest for the “truth” or dharma. I believe, from what I’ve read on it that they believe that every individual is capable becoming or reaching higher stages of “being” in that it is possible for a human to become a G-d or their own G-d. She has written two major influences on the Theosophy/Occult worlds: “Isis Unveiled” and “The Secret Doctrine”. I don't really know how to describe it really, other than it is Occultism which has its base rooted in Hinduism and was also to driving force behind the Thule Society, Alister Crowley’s Lucifarianism and too Adolf Hitler’s Germanic Paganism: Nazism: “Hitler’s Priestess” – Savitri Devi, “The Occult and the Third Reich” - Jean Michel Angebert and “The Occult Roots of Nazism”- Nicholas G. Clark. The Theosophical Society was founded by one Madam Blavatsky in 1875: She has many followers, one particularly Alice Bailey whom also had, through her interactions managed to place, via her husband, Theosophy based ideologies directly into the Educational System in the United states, namely courses in Death and Dieing, “Self Help” and other Gnostic based lies. Most people mistake Theosophy by and are taken in with its being "Humanism", to make a "better human/self". Subsequently, the ideology held and promulgated by the UN efforts to harmonize/globalize Education and Cultural studies is intertwined with this deprave ideology along with Socialism.
I suggest to everyone to read Hanah Newman’s book “The Rainbow Swastika: A Guide into New Age Anti-Semitism”. It is online free for all to read at: I think you will enjoy… It is pretty crazy stuff but once you look into who actually believes in this garbage you will think that 1938-45 Nazi Germany can truly happen again. I’d not be surprised at all if they, along with the Communists, are behind the Muslims to exterminate Israel. A key theory in their belief is that the Atlantian Civilization was “supreme” humans while the Jews were lower. The fact that the Jews are still on the Earth and Atlantis and their super humans are gone poses the belief that 5/6’ths of the Earth’s population must be vanquished, along with all the Jews, to usher in their “New Age” or Age of Aquarius. Interesting but nasty stuff really…. I hope I answered your questions…
“The Rainbow Swastika: A Guide into New Age Anti-Semitism”. It is online free for all to read at:
I read this several years ago; it is an extraordinary and thoroughly researched expose of the sickness pervading our society today.
Please everyone take the time to read this book.
^ Thanks for the link. I will be reading it. I was gonna buy one of that H.P ladys books but I decided not to after i read some online. To long and I don't feel like reading a bunch of new age satanic garbage.
--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on December 12, 2006, 10:42:15 PM ---“The Rainbow Swastika: A Guide into New Age Anti-Semitism”. It is online free for all to read at:
I read this several years ago; it is an extraordinary and thoroughly researched expose of the sickness pervading our society today.
Please everyone take the time to read this book.
--- End quote ---
yes it is a very good read. I downloaded it and had taken it to the local print shop for about $8.00. I found it very well documented. What later struck me was while reading "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America"- Charlotte Thompson-Iserbyte, there was further documentation as to Theosophy being injected into the American Educational System/Academia, as Newman as well states. To hear it come from different sources lends more credability to Mrs. Newman's fabulous work. Agreed... :)
fake plastic trees:
I gather sarah... is back, is she?
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