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the truth about huckabees record
« on: February 08, 2008, 04:17:30 AM »
The True Record: Mike Huckabee and the Arkansas GOP
February 07, 2008
Over the last 15 years, Mike Huckabee has improved and strengthened
the Republican Party of Arkansas. From the time he was the U.S.
Senate nominee in 1992 until he left the Governor’s office in 2007,
Mike Huckabee was a powerful and influential figure in the Republican
By understanding Huckabee’s 10 ½ years of leadership in the proper
context, we can see that his leadership strengthened the party,
elected Republican candidates, and helped shift the state government
to a more conservative position.
We must have accurate historical context when reviewing the
relationship between Huckabee and the state party. Huckabee’s
election for lieutenant governor in 1993 became the GOP’s first
statewide victory in over 10 years. His path to politics came from the
private sector, outside the political arena, and led him to be just the
fourth statewide Republican ever elected in the State of Arkansas.
Immediately, he brought credibility to the state party and a sense of
tremendous excitement to the party faithful who were tired of fielding
unsuccessful candidates. Huckabee became the titular head of the
state GOP and began without hesitation to raise funds, headline
dinners and support the GOP slate of candidates. No one has attended
more Arkansas Lincoln Day dinners than Huckabee.
Huckabee’s 10 ½ years of leadership strengthened the Republican
Party. Upon becoming Arkansas’ 44th Governor in 1996, Huckabee
inherited a state that had been governed by Democratic governors for
all but two of the previous thirty-six years.  Democratic governors had
appointed every member of appointed boards and commissions, and in
addition, the 135 seat legislature had only 15 Republican members. 
Huckabee stepped onto a stage that Republicans in Arkansas rarely
walk on and governed in a difficult environment filled with partisan
hostilities. In this environment, he  passed conservative legislation,
won statewide election in Arkansas four times, and maintained high
approval ratings throughout the entire 10 ½ years as Governor. 
Huckabee focused on governing to the best of his ability and fighting
for the conservative values he espoused. As governor, Huckabee knew
that to achieve any legislative success, the sheer numbers required
him to reach across party lines. By doing so he scored extraordinary
victories that state Republicans could have never achieved without his
leadership. Legislatively he pushed through every possible pro-life bill
allowable under Roe v. Wade, passed the first broad based tax cut in
Arkansas’ history, and streamlined government. All of these were
reforms championed by the state party. 
Huckabee went on to reform education, refurbish the state’s crumbling
infrastructure, improve life for the children of working families, and
create new jobs. These results required both leadership and
extraordinary political skills. Huckabee excelled at both. It was his
compromise with Democrats in the Legislature on legislative details
(not principles) that brought these changes about. Though a vocal
minority in the Republican Party criticized Mike Huckabee’s willingness
to reach across party lines, it was this willingness that allowed him to
pass conservative legislation and allowed him to be an effective,
forward-thinking governor.
Huckabee won statewide in Arkansas four times. This is more times
than any other Republican in Arkansas history. His approval ratings
stayed strong throughout the entire 10 ½ years as governor and he
trounced any token opposition that arose in the GOP primary.
One legacy that is vital to the future of the Republican party of
Arkansas is often overlooked. While governor he made thousands of
appointments to state board and commissions. 
When he left office in 2007 every single gubernatorial appointee was
appointed by a Republican governor for the first time in Arkansas
history. Republicans had never had a better seat at the table on these
board and commissions.
These appointments put conservatives on every regulatory board in
the state. Today, these appointments significantly impact the direction
of state government and create a potential farm team for the party to
draw from for future candidates for public office.
Huckabee tirelessly campaigned for his fellow party members. As the
head of the state party Huckabee sent appeal letters, headlined
events, and hosted receptions continually raising funds for the party.
He did this for successful and unsuccessful candidates. 
This is why he today enjoys the support of former U.S. Senator Tim
Hutchinson, former Congressman Asa Hutchinson and Jay [censored] as
well as Mary Jane Rebick, Sheffield Nelson, Randy Bynum, Betty
[censored], Bud Cummins and, of course, current Congressman John
These candidates stumped in town after town with Huckabee and saw
his efforts firsthand. They also know that when Republicans lost
elections, their governor did not forget about the wounded. Many of
these listed and countless others received appointments to key boards
and posts in state government upon their defeat in order to utilize
their skills.
Huckabee’s efforts on behalf of GOP candidates did not stop with
statewide candidates. Huckabee campaigned tirelessly in every cycle
on behalf of Republican legislative candidates. He rarely receives credit
in the media for these efforts but there are a host of current and past
legislators that can attest to his faithful efforts on their behalf.
He raised funds, sent letters, headlined events and stumped for GOP
candidates in every part of Arkansas. He also wrote tens of thousands
of dollars worth of checks to these candidates from his political action
committee, Conservative Leadership for Arkansas. 
He campaigned with the same fervor for candidates who were likely to
lose as well as those who were likely to win. He also worked for
Republicans with whom he had previous disagreements.
In 2004, Mike Huckabee publicly campaigned for state Senator Jim
Holt, in spite of their public disagreements at the State Capitol. This is
the same Jim Holt being paid by Ron Paul to campaign against
Huckabee. It was clear that he was not only a team player but the
team captain.
In spite of accusations to the contrary, Mike Huckabee never worked
on behalf of a Democrat over a Republican candidate. Huckabee did
support conservative Democrats because it is a necessity to govern in
Arkansas. He worked with many of them to create winning coalitions in
the Legislature, but again, he never campaigned on behalf of a
Democrat who had a Republican opponent.
His support of Democrats was limited to Democratic primaries and
where conservative Democrats faced no GOP opposition in the general
election. It is also important to note that these instances were few and
far between. 
There is no smoking gun to the accusation that Huckabee helped
Democrats. No one will find a contribution, a letter of support, a story
about a fundraiser or public appearance on behalf of a Democratic
candidate that faced a Republican in the general election.
Come election season, Huckabee did not support Democrats, and
Democratic machine did not support Huckabee. Democrats never
thought Huckabee was on their team when it came to elections. They
worked hard to defeat him and complained about his tireless efforts
against them. 
One example of this was Huckabee’s hard campaign efforts to defeat
the Speaker of the House Bill Stovall in a tough uphill battle for
challenger Chee Chee Tamburo. The truth of the matter is that every
campaign season Huckabee fought hard for his party and most
importantly for his principles. 
In 1993, Huckabee took an oath of office to serve the people of
Arkansas and he did this without regard to party affiliation. He
understood that after the elections were over that the people expected
Democrats and Republicans to work together.
They expected results and he intended to deliver those results. He
governed on behalf of all Arkansans and made life in Arkansas better
for everyone as a result. His record is one that Arkansans are proud of
because he governed by his unwavering core principles and a
commitment to service. 
It is because of his commitment to service that he carried Arkansas
from 1993 to 2006, and it is this same commitment that will help him
carry Arkansas one more time in 2008.