Save Western Civilization > Save Europe

"The Bible was originally published in 1611, written by man called King James."

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Someone ought to make King James work easier to read.  Too many "thee and thou" words.

The King James is not an accurate translation.

Wasn't King James a homo?
I seem to remember reading about how he was a total degenerate who wasn't Christian and had a full time boyfriend.
or...maybe that was Queen James?


--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on December 12, 2006, 02:28:56 AM ---Wasn't King James a homo?
I seem to remember reading about how he was a total degenerate who wasn't Christian and had a full time boyfriend.
or...maybe that was Queen James?

--- End quote ---

I never heard that before... Queen James... hahahaha

The more recent translations are much better but my favorite is ArtScroll's.


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