Let me tell you something that might cheer you up.
We all pray to the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem. We all know that. In there is the ark. This represents the Torah as the Tablets were in there.
But above the Ark is another vessel known as the Kapores...it was a plate on top of the ark. This is actually a holier spot than the ark.
It's "above" the Torah. It represents Teshuva (return, repentance). When we do teshuva G-d goes above what the Torah says and loves you anyway.
Then there's something even above that. That's the cherubim. (Someone on here is named Cherubim

) Those are little babies. Little baby faces.
This is something even higher than Teshuva. It's a Jew. It's not anything that you need to do (like Teshuva) it's just the fact that you are a Jew and nothing can ever change that, and in some way, everything you do expresses that.
That's really the holiest spot in the whole Temple. G-d loves us like we love a little child. He doesn't really need to do anything. The child just is....and at that level the rules don't really apply at all.
G-d can forgive us no matter what with that sort of love that a parent has for a their little child.
That's where we really pray to....we pray to those cherubim three times a day....that's the holiest spot of all.