Jesus fufullied the prophies spoken by the prophets in the hebrew bible. so why do jews not accept him as their savior and messah? who knows maybe cuz their ancestors saw Jesus heal people, but still decided he was noone special.i mean the odds that someone would do the things that jesus did, that was prophisied in the hebrew scripture were pretty small. see in around the first century judasim split into 2, one being the rightway and the other being the wrong way. The right way was believing in christ. I mean why would the first christians risk their lives unless they actually saw jesus acsend into heaven. What would they have to gain, besides being fed to lions? See the thing that i dont get is that jews beleive that god created man, even tho nowhere in the bible does it talk about dinosaurs, and jews beleive that Noah and other ppl at that time died at around 800 yrs old, and that god send a big flood, and yet When it comes to god sending his son (who was jewish btw) to correct the imperfections of the Tanach than thats where jews dont beleive it makes no sense. God made a new convenant through Jesus.