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Ask Scriabin

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Your wisdom and expertise are an asset to our forum. You are a true field general that leads by example. I find this thread very inspirational. You are the kind of man that I aspire to be one day. Scribo - I salute you !

You know you said correct you're breathing, i've been trying to do that for the past week and it doesn't come naturally.

Also, have you read a book called The Power of Now?


--- Quote from: Sarah on February 24, 2008, 11:39:21 AM ---You know you said correct you're breathing, i've been trying to do that for the past week and it doesn't come naturally.

--- End quote ---

This won't come naturally to you for a while. 

You need to CONSCIOUSLY CORRECT your previous breathing habits.  This requires CONSCIOUS PRACTICE.  Every minute that you spend THINKING and PRACTICING proper breathing techniques brings you one minute closer to mastering these skills. 

It takes a while, but eventually (after several months) these things become habits.  That is the goal, to get in the HABIT of breathing correctly.


--- Quote from: Sarah on February 24, 2008, 11:39:46 AM ---Also, have you read a book called The Power of Now?

--- End quote ---

No.  Never heard of it.


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