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Tzvi Ben Roshel1:

--- Quote from: Dominater96 on March 03, 2008, 11:31:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Tzvi Ben Roshel on February 24, 2008, 10:26:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: lubab on February 24, 2008, 07:59:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: Baltimore on February 24, 2008, 02:23:31 PM ---Great answer!  Thanks so much.  On the marketing side of things we live in a society in the USA with so much religious corruption. In LA, Baltimore, NYC... where ever, there are inner city churches on the verge of bankruptcy that have little old ladies giving every extra penny they have to the church while the pastor drives around in a fancy car and lives in a rich suburban enclave.  So when outsiders read a line about giving money to a good cause and G-d will bless you they become suspicious because it appears that the majority of people who use that line in the USA are incredibly corrupt.  Here at JTF we are trying to attract new people and that probably is not the best line for new people, but if the old people properly understand it like you explained then they will be more likely to give money that can be used to attract new people in different ways.

Now 2 more questions.
1. Do you come from a religious family?
2. If you encountered a 30 year old Jewish male who wanted to become more religious but he had some problems, what problem would you tell him to eliminate first in order to become more religious? Here are his problems:
a. Unmarried
b. Has had relations with non-jewish women and continues to do so
c. Does not Keep Kosher
d. Does not Keep the sabbath
e. Does not goto an Orthodox Shul, only goes to Shul on: High Holidays, to avoid the fast of the first born before Passover, and on Shavuot
f. Does not Study Torah

Keep in mind some of these problems are easier to eliminate than others. It is also noteworthy to mention that he has already eliminated Pig and Crab from his diet, he has always fasted on yom kippor, he fasts on Tisha B'av, he gives to Jewish charity on occasion, a Lubavitch rabbi gave him a mezuzah that he properly put on his front door entance.


--- End quote ---

Not knowing this person it's a difficult thing to answer.
In general he should focus on doing positive things before stopping himself from doing negative things.
In general he should focus on things that are easy for him to do and things that he is excited about. This will make the more difficult things less difficult.

I would put regular laying of tefillin at the top of the list of positive things he could do if he is willing to do that.
After that I would put Torah learning, and keeping Kosher. All three of those are part of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's 10 mitzvah campaigns which were geared to help fix up the world so all three of those are wonderful things to start doing.

--- End quote ---

Whatt  :o , with all due respect I thought its the exact opposite. Whats Tefillin worth if one is sleeping with a gentile women (the worst sin in Judaism), I agree that the first positive thing one should do is learn Torah but thats because by learning Torah one is able to understand the mistakes and do Tishuva G-d willing.
 Anyway in Judaism isn't it better not doing a sin, then doing a Mitzva.
 I would think that not doing the Averot would come first (right away without an exception, stop sleeping with women, both not married Jewish and gentile women) and keeping Shabbat - which is the covenent between the Jewish nation and G-d, repeatedly mentioned in the Torah and to learn Torah which will open the mind and soul and would give the person the chance of making Real Tishuva.

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Why is sleeping with a Non Jewish women the worst sin? A non Jew isnt a Niddah, and A niddah is deoraytah, and a Jewish lasy not married and not from mikveh is always a niddah.

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According to the Zohar (If you listined to the lecture "intermarriage" also "Gan Eden Baal Tishuva Pinchas" (something like that)- on - R' Mizrai's page.
   Also about college- either skipp it alltogether, im their 3rd year and still dont whats the purpose (the best to skipp it, expecially your syrian you got connections), or just go to community college, which is cheap and much easier then other places and then transfer to another better city college. Why waste all that $ for nothing.


--- Quote from: Tzvi Ben Roshel on March 04, 2008, 04:17:25 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dominater96 on March 03, 2008, 11:31:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Tzvi Ben Roshel on February 24, 2008, 10:26:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: lubab on February 24, 2008, 07:59:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: Baltimore on February 24, 2008, 02:23:31 PM ---Great answer!  Thanks so much.  On the marketing side of things we live in a society in the USA with so much religious corruption. In LA, Baltimore, NYC... where ever, there are inner city churches on the verge of bankruptcy that have little old ladies giving every extra penny they have to the church while the pastor drives around in a fancy car and lives in a rich suburban enclave.  So when outsiders read a line about giving money to a good cause and G-d will bless you they become suspicious because it appears that the majority of people who use that line in the USA are incredibly corrupt.  Here at JTF we are trying to attract new people and that probably is not the best line for new people, but if the old people properly understand it like you explained then they will be more likely to give money that can be used to attract new people in different ways.

Now 2 more questions.
1. Do you come from a religious family?
2. If you encountered a 30 year old Jewish male who wanted to become more religious but he had some problems, what problem would you tell him to eliminate first in order to become more religious? Here are his problems:
a. Unmarried
b. Has had relations with non-jewish women and continues to do so
c. Does not Keep Kosher
d. Does not Keep the sabbath
e. Does not goto an Orthodox Shul, only goes to Shul on: High Holidays, to avoid the fast of the first born before Passover, and on Shavuot
f. Does not Study Torah

Keep in mind some of these problems are easier to eliminate than others. It is also noteworthy to mention that he has already eliminated Pig and Crab from his diet, he has always fasted on yom kippor, he fasts on Tisha B'av, he gives to Jewish charity on occasion, a Lubavitch rabbi gave him a mezuzah that he properly put on his front door entance.


--- End quote ---

Not knowing this person it's a difficult thing to answer.
In general he should focus on doing positive things before stopping himself from doing negative things.
In general he should focus on things that are easy for him to do and things that he is excited about. This will make the more difficult things less difficult.

I would put regular laying of tefillin at the top of the list of positive things he could do if he is willing to do that.
After that I would put Torah learning, and keeping Kosher. All three of those are part of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's 10 mitzvah campaigns which were geared to help fix up the world so all three of those are wonderful things to start doing.

--- End quote ---

Whatt  :o , with all due respect I thought its the exact opposite. Whats Tefillin worth if one is sleeping with a gentile women (the worst sin in Judaism), I agree that the first positive thing one should do is learn Torah but thats because by learning Torah one is able to understand the mistakes and do Tishuva G-d willing.
 Anyway in Judaism isn't it better not doing a sin, then doing a Mitzva.
 I would think that not doing the Averot would come first (right away without an exception, stop sleeping with women, both not married Jewish and gentile women) and keeping Shabbat - which is the covenent between the Jewish nation and G-d, repeatedly mentioned in the Torah and to learn Torah which will open the mind and soul and would give the person the chance of making Real Tishuva.

--- End quote ---
Why is sleeping with a Non Jewish women the worst sin? A non Jew isnt a Niddah, and A niddah is deoraytah, and a Jewish lasy not married and not from mikveh is always a niddah.

--- End quote ---

According to the Zohar (If you listined to the lecture "intermarriage" also "Gan Eden Baal Tishuva Pinchas" (something like that)- on - R' Mizrai's page.
   Also about college- either skipp it alltogether, im their 3rd year and still dont whats the purpose (the best to skipp it, expecially your syrian you got connections), or just go to community college, which is cheap and much easier then other places and then transfer to another better city college. Why waste all that $ for nothing.

--- End quote ---

There is definitely some merit to skipping college. On the other hand it's nice to be 'ejumicated'.

I've heard about that Zohar but remember that Zohar speaks at a very refined view of things. It also says masturbation is murder but it means that in a very refined sense-we dont' kill people for doing it.

So at the basic halachic legal level sleeping with a shiksa is in no way the worst sin in Judaism.

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
I dont want to go back to that discussion, I has been discussed in the past, and you can listin to the shiur. But it is one of the worst, and according to the Zohar it is the worst, according to Talmud its a Nidda, but both speak out agains't it, and even in Tannah we see that it is something very bad, and the hero- Pinhas Alav Hashalom kills Zimri and the shiksa for this dispicible act. If you want to talk halacha then- someone who is zealous for Hashe-m is even allowed in todays age to kill someone who does this act (but during the act itself, not before or after) and this is Pshat, not a remez, etc.


--- Quote from: Tzvi Ben Roshel on March 04, 2008, 05:17:53 PM ---I dont want to go back to that discussion, I has been discussed in the past, and you can listin to the shiur. But it is one of the worst, and according to the Zohar it is the worst, according to Talmud its a Nidda, but both speak out agains't it, and even in Tannah we see that it is something very bad, and the hero- Pinhas Alav Hashalom kills Zimri and the shiksa for this dispicible act. If you want to talk halacha then- someone who is zealous for Hashem is even allowed in todays age to kill someone who does this act (but during the act itself, not before or after) and this is Pshat, not a remez, etc.

--- End quote ---

Ok. I'll agree with that.


--- Quote from: Lubab on February 20, 2008, 04:46:47 PM ---As a side note, I don't think that the government should be regulating marriage at all. They can give civil benefits to couples in a civil manner, but should not get involved in who is married, and requiring marriage licenses etc. Ideally this should be handled by the ecclesiastical authorities as was done all over the world until our very recent history.

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Without a legal system of marriage, how are insurance companies and employers supposed to decide who to give benefits to? What about gay people who find left-wing ministers to bond them?

--- Quote ---I heard a story once that a frum woman who just had her 7th baby or something like that and the neighbor asked her in a demeaning way : "so how many more are you going to have already"

She looked at him and said "six-million".

--- End quote ---

Great answer :)


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