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Dear Rabbi Lubab,

Is there any way, in your opinion, to somehow petition to have Nik back on the forum?   :dance:


--- Quote from: MarZutra on September 09, 2008, 10:16:21 PM ---Dear Rabbi Lubab,

Is there any way, in your opinion, to somehow petition to have Nik back on the forum?   :dance:

--- End quote ---

  Dear Rabbi Lubab, yes, I agree with MarZutra, my very dear brother, I miss Nik. I understand that Judaism comes under attack, as does all of the different denominations of Christianity.

  With this being said... would you not agree that when we have faith in HaShem it is personal also?  It does not bother me, if people attack Judaism, b/c I KNOW MY G-D, who is NOT contained by anything.  I pray that BOTH you & Nik would please perhaps do youtubes together.
  I also have to ask if you also agree with Rabbi Kahanes: "Those who cannot debate, defame?"  Because this is what happened in the case with Nik.   Do you agree that if people just do not believe in the 9-11 conspiracies, that it should be brought up?  OR, would you suggest a different thread just for it, b/c people WILL believe what they believe.  thanks.

I support Nik being brought back and the old "Stop The New World Order" section be brought back as well where his threads would be moved.
This way we are not stifling debate and yet it doesn't need to take place in the General Discussion section where some JTFers would find it embarrassing and distracting. 

I have brought up this idea to the higher ups but so far no response.

Maybe if people get together and demand it something will happen.

P J C:

--- Quote from: Lubab on September 18, 2008, 04:37:45 PM ---I support Nik being brought back and the old "Stop The New World Order" section be brought back as well where his threads would be moved.
This way we are not stifling debate and yet it doesn't need to take place in the General Discussion section where some JTFers would find it embarrassing and distracting. 

I have brought up this idea to the higher ups but so far no response.

Maybe if people get together and demand it something will happen.

--- End quote ---
I have to say this with all due respect. nikmatdam was warned numerous times about his 9/11 conspiracy posts by the admins and mods. I would support his return if he stopped with the conspiracy nonsense. Personally, I think JTF gave him a rather generous shot.

Lubab, Paulette I believe you are both right and Nik should be brought back to the forum.  Only an ignoramus who is absolutely closed minded to, not only reality, but possibility that "Conspiracies" do exist.  Google "Commission + Mafia" and you will find the FACT that there was a meeting held by the five major crime families which conspired to control organized crime, or even better "Jeckyll Island Club" which was founded in 1886 and via the, highly similar to the aforementioned, "Jeckyll Island Meeting of 1910" brought us the highly unconstitutional Federal Reserve Banking system in 1913 to which President Andrew Jackson with these words:

"The bold effort the present bank has made to control the government, the distress it had wantonly produced...are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it."

So if a few top membering families of organized crime could conspire in 1931 to control an illegal industry which made Meir Lansky state "We are bigger than U.S. Steel..."  Why is it somehow impossible for a comparable number of even more fabulously wealthy industrialist and international financiers to do the like within Politics, via Adam Weishaupt in 1776 Bavaria, Banking in 1913 or any other area....or the selling out of Israel or America which meets their NWO "needs"?


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