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The Ask Lubab "Show"

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           what do you think about the CHAT now available on our Forum?

Good catch, Dan. I thought no one would notice. We'll make an announcement soon.


--- Quote from: Shlomo on September 19, 2008, 10:51:23 AM ---Good catch, Dan. I thought no one would notice. We'll make an announcement soon.

--- End quote ---
 The Chat looks great and it's user friendly, now let's see what the others think...
btw, why do I appear as (dan ) on the chat username-login name?


--- Quote from: Dan on September 19, 2008, 10:36:02 AM ---Lubab,
           what do you think about the CHAT now available on our Forum?

--- End quote ---

I just found out about it and it looks absolutely fantastic! I want to see more people in there.


I am absolutely against having this kind of 9/11 conspiracy stuff posted where I have to deal with people who read it. I tried to make peace with Nik but he is on a crusade. I dont know what people thought was interesting about that kind of mindless 4 page drivel {not even punctuated properly}.

I am really at a loss why there are so many people who support this kind of lunacy. You can read better conspiracies off the News Rags in line at the supermarket.



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