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--- Quote from: muman613 on September 24, 2008, 12:30:55 AM ---Shalom,

I am absolutely against having this kind of 9/11 conspiracy stuff posted where I have to deal with people who read it. I tried to make peace with Nik but he is on a crusade. I dont know what people thought was interesting about that kind of mindless 4 page drivel {not even punctuated properly}.

I am really at a loss why there are so many people who support this kind of lunacy. You can read better conspiracies off the News Rags in line at the supermarket.


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Do you believe that this recent financial collapse and "bail out by the Federal Reserve" is connected to the Government or do you feel that these banks operate totally independent to those in the government?


--- Quote from: muman613 on September 24, 2008, 12:30:55 AM ---
I am really at a loss why there are so many people who support this kind of lunacy. You can read better conspiracies off the News Rags in line at the supermarket.


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Don't be "at a loss". Research. Read. Learn....why that view is so popular. Examine the evidence.

Shalom Lubab,

I got into an argument with a very intelligent religious Jewish friend of mine. He claims I can't use Kedem grape juice for kiddish and that I have to use alcoholic wine. I have seen the Kedem bottle used in synagogue before at the table. Do you know what the halacha is on this?



--- Quote from: Shlomo on September 25, 2008, 10:41:34 PM ---Shalom Lubab,

I got into an argument with a very intelligent religious Jewish friend of mine. He claims I can't use Kedem grape juice for kiddish and that I have to use alcoholic wine. I have seen the Kedem bottle used in synagogue before at the table. Do you know what the halacha is on this?


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Ideally it should be alcoholic wine, but you can use grape juice in certain circumstances e.g. if the person cannot get wine, cannot afford it, or is an ex-alcoholic, or they get sick from alcohol.

There is some question about whether the grape juice and wine we have today really qualifies because it is so weak, but that is another issue.

Someone who goes around telling other people what to do without all the facts probably doesn't have that good of an understanding of halacha because halacha is complicated, with many options and it varies based on subtle differences in circumstances.

By the way, it is more important to have wine on Yom Tov than on Shabbos. So an extra effort should be made at that time, but there are still ways out of it.

Kedem makes wine and grape juice.


--- Quote from: ProJewChristian on September 18, 2008, 05:19:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: Lubab on September 18, 2008, 04:37:45 PM ---I support Nik being brought back and the old "Stop The New World Order" section be brought back as well where his threads would be moved.
This way we are not stifling debate and yet it doesn't need to take place in the General Discussion section where some JTFers would find it embarrassing and distracting. 

I have brought up this idea to the higher ups but so far no response.

Maybe if people get together and demand it something will happen.

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I have to say this with all due respect. nikmatdam was warned numerous times about his 9/11 conspiracy posts by the admins and mods. I would support his return if he stopped with the conspiracy nonsense. Personally, I think JTF gave him a rather generous shot.

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  PJC...with the Anti-Semitism that is now here, while his conspiracy theories were off, and ON.. I think EVERYTHING that IS happening, SOLIDIFIES what he WAS TRYING TO GET ACROSS.  That thread that he kept STARTING was NOT really for the Righteous Gentiles on this forum, IT WAS A WARNING that we HAVE to take HEED to, as Jews- AND AS CHRISTIANS, after all, PJC, the GOOD Catholics during the holocaust were AGAINST Hitler, AND their Church, and if Jews EXPOSE the EVIL in OUR people, Christians & Catholics, ETC NEED to do the SAME thing.

  IF a person is STRONG in their faith in G-d, then stuff like what Nik wrote means ZERO. Why? BECAUSE IT DOES NOT PERTAIN TO YOU.  There IS good and BAD in ALL religions, ALL, And to NOT stand and SEE the unrighteouness in ones OWN doctrine- is SHAMEFUL.  My BEST friend (who died) was Catholic, and she CONSISTENTLY stood AGAINST when Catholicism was OFF.  Catholicism WAS off in the 30's/40's, EVIDENCE of this, IS THE MANY MANY CATHOLICS that stood in the GAP and SAVED, and hid JEWS.

  Lubab, I believe that you should use all your power to get Nik back, while some, and even MANY of his insights- ESPECIALLY 9-11 were OFF, he is very gifted as far as seeing things AHEAD.   HE IS NEEDED. HE IS A RABBI. HE IS ALSO loving, but people were TOO BUSY PERSONALLY attacking him, to have seen this! I saw it, I also saw how he SHARED his personal life, and it was USED AGAINST HIM. Very BAD. 
Like him or NOT- he is BRAVE.


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