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--- Quote from: muman613 on September 26, 2008, 04:50:04 PM ---Is Nik really a Rabbi? Did he get Smicha? Judging from the way he wrote it is hard for me to believe that this guy was a Rabbi. From his writing style it seemed like he was not very literate {spelling and grammar errors and atrocious punctuation}. I read Rabbis writing every day and it seemed like Nik hadnt learned the way to express his ideas.

I know that he and I would not get along in the same room. I am a proud American, my family has fought for this country, my brothers life was taken by terrorists, and yet this guy wants to blather on about how America is really the enemy. Really?

If that is what you want, you can have it. I just know that I dont associate with people who believe such stuff. We are in many ways judged by the people we associate with. I have tried to understand Nik, but what I came away understanding is that he was unable to get along with people because he was warned NUMEROUS times to put a sock in it concerning several issues. He adamantly disobeyed the requests and got what he deserved.

What ever happened with the idea that Nik set up his own blog where he can express his 'esoteric' ideas without having to associate with me and the other sane people. I support his freedom of expression but I just dont think it does the Anti-Obama campaign any good, and that is what brought me to this site. If this site is one where all kinds of anti-American conspiracies are propagated please count me out. I am very proud of this country and my families ability to prosper here. People who are tearing it down are on my crepe lists.


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What is the name of your brother who was killed in the attacks of Sep. 11th?


--- Quote from: Lubab on September 28, 2008, 12:19:58 PM ---
--- Quote from: muman613 on September 26, 2008, 04:50:04 PM ---Is Nik really a Rabbi? Did he get Smicha? Judging from the way he wrote it is hard for me to believe that this guy was a Rabbi. From his writing style it seemed like he was not very literate {spelling and grammar errors and atrocious punctuation}. I read Rabbis writing every day and it seemed like Nik hadnt learned the way to express his ideas.

I know that he and I would not get along in the same room. I am a proud American, my family has fought for this country, my brothers life was taken by terrorists, and yet this guy wants to blather on about how America is really the enemy. Really?

If that is what you want, you can have it. I just know that I dont associate with people who believe such stuff. We are in many ways judged by the people we associate with. I have tried to understand Nik, but what I came away understanding is that he was unable to get along with people because he was warned NUMEROUS times to put a sock in it concerning several issues. He adamantly disobeyed the requests and got what he deserved.

What ever happened with the idea that Nik set up his own blog where he can express his 'esoteric' ideas without having to associate with me and the other sane people. I support his freedom of expression but I just dont think it does the Anti-Obama campaign any good, and that is what brought me to this site. If this site is one where all kinds of anti-American conspiracies are propagated please count me out. I am very proud of this country and my families ability to prosper here. People who are tearing it down are on my crepe lists.


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What is the name of your brother who was killed in the attacks of Sep. 11th?

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Shalom Lubab,

My brother, Jonathan Uman, worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of WTC Tower #1 at the time of the attack. He was only 33 at the time.

Cantors Tribute Page :

Last Tuesday was his Yartzeit and it is always hard this time of year because of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I have been doing a lot of introspection and am trying to see things in light of Hashems plan for the universe. Please remember my brother for the good. He was a very intelligent, wise, and witty man who had so much going for him. It is a tragedy, personally and nationally, that we all lost so many in the attack.



--- Quote from: muman613 on September 28, 2008, 02:05:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: Lubab on September 28, 2008, 12:19:58 PM ---
--- Quote from: muman613 on September 26, 2008, 04:50:04 PM ---Is Nik really a Rabbi? Did he get Smicha? Judging from the way he wrote it is hard for me to believe that this guy was a Rabbi. From his writing style it seemed like he was not very literate {spelling and grammar errors and atrocious punctuation}. I read Rabbis writing every day and it seemed like Nik hadnt learned the way to express his ideas.

I know that he and I would not get along in the same room. I am a proud American, my family has fought for this country, my brothers life was taken by terrorists, and yet this guy wants to blather on about how America is really the enemy. Really?

If that is what you want, you can have it. I just know that I dont associate with people who believe such stuff. We are in many ways judged by the people we associate with. I have tried to understand Nik, but what I came away understanding is that he was unable to get along with people because he was warned NUMEROUS times to put a sock in it concerning several issues. He adamantly disobeyed the requests and got what he deserved.

What ever happened with the idea that Nik set up his own blog where he can express his 'esoteric' ideas without having to associate with me and the other sane people. I support his freedom of expression but I just dont think it does the Anti-Obama campaign any good, and that is what brought me to this site. If this site is one where all kinds of anti-American conspiracies are propagated please count me out. I am very proud of this country and my families ability to prosper here. People who are tearing it down are on my crepe lists.


--- End quote ---


What is the name of your brother who was killed in the attacks of Sep. 11th?

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Shalom Lubab,

My brother, Jonathan Uman, worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of WTC Tower #1 at the time of the attack. He was only 33 at the time.

Cantors Tribute Page :

Last Tuesday was his Yartzeit and it is always hard this time of year because of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I have been doing a lot of introspection and am trying to see things in light of Hashems plan for the universe. Please remember my brother for the good. He was a very intelligent, wise, and witty man who had so much going for him. It is a tragedy, personally and nationally, that we all lost so many in the attack.


--- End quote ---

May his neshama have an Aliya in Gan Eden.


--- Quote from: Lubab on September 28, 2008, 06:05:26 PM ---<snip>
May his neshama have an Aliya in Gan Eden.

--- End quote ---


Thank you very much.

May you have a sweet New Year,


Shalom ve Shanah tova Lubab,

I wanted to say too that I've petitioned to have Nik back on the forum.  For a few reasons actually, although he is aware of the many anti-Jew movements but has isolated his contempt for the Vatican and Jesuit order, I see his contributions on many other areas to this forum as positive.  Forget the 911 debate, I'm no "911" truther but if one does read the Commissions findings they are simply comparable to Swiss Cheese or the Pope "Holy". 

I'd welcome him with blessings and further suggest a thread called "The Rabbis Corner" or any whatever titled thread where you Rabbis can get together amongst yourselves and answer question on this thread in almost real time due to there being a few Rabbi's on the forum and chance are one will be on when I'm on. Perhaps you can make this happen if you feel it to be a good idea?

Do to my opinions, that there are "conspiracies" very much alive, well and directly related to world events going on today, I doubt my petition will be taken seriously.

Further for muman.  I think you will find the interview with (D) Larry McDonald on GoogleVideo very informative.  Keep aware of the names, dates, book titles and what not that Congressman McDonald uses to base his views/theories.  He was very vocal in his contempt for entities like the CFR/Trilateral Commission, The Fed and the continual anti-G-d "progression" to the socio-political "Left wing" America has taken over the past 60 years; since WW2. 

For the "conspiracy theorist" one would like to know that he just happened to be on board the flight that the Soviets shot down in 1983.



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