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Skippy, did you write this at Kahane org?

--- Quote ---Who cares, people have free will. If they want to pray to an idol, big deal. They are not Jews, I don't see why you are making a fuss.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Its forbidden to righteous Gentiles, as I said who care about the others. They lead a soulless life, they are not Jews. They do not matter. If they are worth anything they would follow our laws. If you wish to save these people do so, but you waste our time having to read your crap about it.
--- End quote ---

The discussion was about Christians who pray to Jesus, then, why do you call them soulless and unworthy, and then say Merry Christmas to them????????????

Skippy, you are very wise, so I would like to ask you a question about making money.  I know it's not everything in life, but I would like to make a bundle so I could give back to my parents who helped me get through college, and to righteous charities like JTF and others, much more than I have been able to give so far.  Do you have any suggestions about a business I could start since it seems like working in my job is not getting the results I want.  Also, perhaps somewhat selfishly, I think it would be easier for me to get married if I had more cash, lol.  Any advice would be appreciated. O0

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: Raulmarrio2000 on February 25, 2008, 02:29:00 AM ---Skippy, did you write this at Kahane org?

--- Quote ---Who cares, people have free will. If they want to pray to an idol, big deal. They are not Jews, I don't see why you are making a fuss.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Its forbidden to righteous Gentiles, as I said who care about the others. They lead a soulless life, they are not Jews. They do not matter. If they are worth anything they would follow our laws. If you wish to save these people do so, but you waste our time having to read your crap about it.
--- End quote ---

The discussion was about Christians who pray to Jesus, then, why do you call them soulless and unworthy, and then say Merry Christmas to them????????????

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Aye my little friend that is me  8;)

I called Non righteous Gentiles soulless and worthless. I stated Christians have their place in a Gentile world only.

I am a separatist and of course I would say Merry Christmas to them, it means no more to me than saying How are you to people I don't even care about. Its called social grace.

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: Ari on February 25, 2008, 03:33:09 AM ---Skippy, you are very wise, so I would like to ask you a question about making money.  I know it's not everything in life, but I would like to make a bundle so I could give back to my parents who helped me get through college, and to righteous charities like JTF and others, much more than I have been able to give so far.  Do you have any suggestions about a business I could start since it seems like working in my job is not getting the results I want.  Also, perhaps somewhat selfishly, I think it would be easier for me to get married if I had more cash, lol.  Any advice would be appreciated. O0

--- End quote ---

Ari in my life I have had all my money taken from me many times. Due to fleeing from countries or abusive spouses.

Creating a business and money is easy. You need to list your skills and weakness. You need to be totally honest in this list.

Then write down what you know about your hobbys etc.

Do this on a big piece of paper. You are brain storming.

Then link up yourskills into groups. IE computer skills and writing, time management and rostering. etc...

Now you have an over all picture of who you really are and what skills you have.

Then sit down and list your goals- what you what to achieve in what time frame.

You are starting a simple business plan.

Think about do you want a physical business , or a brokerage?

Once you have chosen that you are thinking of overheads and capital.

Now you ask are you financially able to do this? What are your assets? Are they disposable?

Remember you first year of business is your starve year.

Are you able to put 110% of your time into this. To make a business work it is all or nothing.

This is what you need to think of way before you think of a business idea.

Then you have a good idea of your basic ground work. Then you need to research tax laws and business laws.

Once you got that, go and do a small business course.

I must say ground work is the most important part of running a business.

Now me personally I have run and owned a shop, fishing boats(crayfish and long lines), Day care, Rescue and re homing centre, and on line ebay store - that made $50,000 US last year.

If you wish to speak to me in greater detail I will be glad to help, but keep in mind I am not American and don't know your laws.

And the reasons for you wanting to do such an action I think is very good  8;)

Skippy, I am also what you call a "separatist". I hold that Gentiles (with a few exceptions for good non-Jews who have lived in Israel for a long time), have only a place in Gentile lands. No matter if they are Noahides or not, they don't belong in Israel!
But claiming that Christians are worthless people, saying that you greet them only for social grace, that you don't even care for them....and siding with them in JTF to save Western Civilisation....... Don't you think it's hypocresy?
Are your Christians friends who worship Jesus soulless? Are Christians Serbs worthless? Is your frienship with them just courtesy and political correctness?
I'm shocked!!!!!!


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