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Tina Greco - Melbourne:
--- Quote from: Raulmarrio2000 on February 25, 2008, 04:15:59 AM ---Skippy, I am also what you call a "separatist". I hold that Gentiles (with a few exceptions for good non-Jews who have lived in Israel for a long time), have only a place in Gentile lands. No matter if they are Noahides or not, they don't belong in Israel!
But claiming that Christians are worthless people, saying that you greet them only for social grace, that you don't even care for them....and siding with them in JTF to save Western Civilisation....... Don't you think it's hypocresy?
Are your Christians friends who worship Jesus soulless? Are Christians Serbs worthless? Is your frienship with them just courtesy and political correctness?
I'm shocked!!!!!!
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--- Quote ---Are your Christians friends who worship Jesus soulless? Are Christians Serbs worthless?
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I never said christains were soulless. Raul once again I will highlight this for you I called Non righteous Gentiles soulless and worthless.
--- Quote --- Is your frienship with them just courtesy and political correctness?
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Here in my city Yes I would have no one else to talk to, now would I ::) ???
Here on this forum NO. I make friends with gentiles that I would like to have a real friendship with, and that I care about.
--- Quote ---I'm shocked!!!!!!
--- End quote ---
Well I am, sure you well survive. :-\
--- Quote ---that you don't even care for them....and siding with them in JTF to save Western Civilisation....... Don't you think it's hypocresy?
--- End quote ---
No because the RIGHTEOUS Gentiles here are good people. And I have not desire to live anywhere else than my Western Country.
Skippy, the topic at Kahane org was NOT about evil Gentiles (murderers, thives, nazis, and so on).
It was specifically about Christians who pray to Jesus. Some Ravs say it is permitted to Gentiles, and others disagree and say Christians don't fit into the Hallachic Category of Righteous Gentiles.
It was about those Christian Gentiles, who don't fit into Hallacha according to some Ravs, that they were talking!!!! And you said that you don't care about them, that they are not worthy!!!!!!!
Tina Greco - Melbourne:
I told you already Raul grow up and accept the answer. Move it on. What happens on that forum stays there.
Got another question?
Ultra Requete:
Could you send the files you gathered on me via PM on your Forum? ;) Sorry Lubab I coud not resist; Dear Skippy you're either the worse or best secret agent in history. The worst becouse you're to dictinct to blind into crowds of modern TV fed zombies and the best becouse you're great with securing trust and friendship... O0
Back from Matrix and Philip K Dick; Can you tell us why you choosed the military and medical corps in particulary? Who were the best and worse alies you worked with? What do you think of Autralian Army puling back from Iraq? Do you treated enemy casulties? What is your point of few on land mine ban? Do you think it's gonna to threaten our defence against chinese, russian or iranian armies using human wave tacticks? Do you like cats? or chinese food? 8;)
Great advice, Skippy, as always. :)
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