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Ask the Skip
Tina Greco - Melbourne:
--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on February 25, 2008, 02:52:09 PM ---Could you send the files you gathered on me via PM on your Forum? ;) Sorry Lubab I coud not resist; Dear Skippy you're either the worse or best secret agent in history. The worst becouse you're to dictinct to blind into crowds of modern TV fed zombies and the best becouse you're great with securing trust and friendship... O0
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Activating the cone of slience........Agent 86 the files have been seen to the darkside...........
--- Quote ---Back from Matrix and Philip K Dick; Can you tell us why you choosed the military and medical corps in particulary?
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Well I choose the military because I was forced from my country, and was told I was second class citizen because of my race and beliefs. SO I joined the military to kick them back far up the behind. And to ensure I never lost my country to invaders again. Why the Medical corps, because when I joined I wanted to be a grunt. The Officer looked at me, say my background my grades and said no way, you are not being a soldier you will do officers training which I did.
I found out about two units I liked one was body recovery, which I trained as a medico. The other was the specialized unit. SO thats why I trained as a Nurse, I needed to have a medic background, for body recovery.
--- Quote ---Who were the best and worse alies you worked with?
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Yanks with Tanks ;) The US Marines O0 O0 They make the Best damn coffee whhhhhoooooowwwwweeeeeeee! Semper Fi!
--- Quote ---What do you think of Autralian Army puling back from Iraq?
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I will not comment on this forum about that ^-^
--- Quote ---Do you treated enemy casulties?
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Yes I did, we are humane.
--- Quote ---What is your point of few on land mine ban?
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Bloody stupid. You use what you can in war, you are not there to play nice...enough said >:(
--- Quote ---Do you think it's gonna to threaten our defence against chinese, russian or iranian armies using human wave tacticks?
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Yes, we play by a set of rules they don't. Australia is allied to China - so no comment
Russia and Iran, how I see it, some of those people would welcome a shower of bullets. Whats worse? being shot by an invading force? Or by your own people?
--- Quote ---Do you like cats? or chinese food? 8;)
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I love cats but not as Chinese food ;)
Cats I have two now :)
Chinese food I like, but must be made correctly with meat I know what it is :D
--- Quote ---I love cats but not as Chinese food
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:::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
fantastic answer :::D O0
How would I be treated on vacation in Australia or NZ as an American or Jew (shhh)? Would I be worshipped or hated? 8;) Any other countries that you can think of where Americans are treated well? I know Jews are pretty much hated everywhere.
Tina Greco - Melbourne:
Hated by Aussie men, worshiped by Aussie women :::D Its the Accent you know ^-^ ^-^
Just don't go wearing your Jewishness on your sleeve you will be fine. Sydney and Melbourne both have the most Jews in that city and easier for you to eat Kosher.
In NZ same thing, NZ has only about 3,000 Jews all up. And they are ever friendly.
Money speaks all languages crosses all divides, NZ is the play ground of the world ^-^
If you come to Oz and down my way, I will shout you a beer. And since I am 45 minutes from AuisseJFTer I am sure you can get a beer of him too 8;)
Women are more important than men, lol. Hopefully one of these days, we will be able to have that beer. Thanks Skip. O0
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