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You said that Torah has nothing to do with tattoos, and Torah says that Jews must not have a tattoo. It's obvious that you are denying one Torah Law.
Killed people on duty? were you a soldier? In which war?
And in what way have you given lethal drugs? Euthanasia? Was it without the patient's consent?

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

The Torah is correct says you must not get them, doesn't say if you do get them you don't believe in the Torah. Thats not a logical leap now is it.  ;)

You now I served 4 tours Raul.


If you were a part of any western intelligence community u would never ever reveal that to anyone.

If u are then u have failed.


--- Quote from: Skippy on March 04, 2008, 09:01:38 PM ---

The Torah is correct says you must not get them, doesn't say if you do get them you don't believe in the Torah. Thats not a logical leap now is it.  ;)

You now I served 4 tours Raul.

--- End quote ---
Torah doesn't say that if you get a tattoo you don't believe, but you have just stated that Torah has nothing to do with tattoos!!!!!
Now, in what country have you served in a battlefield? and please answer this:
in what way have you given lethal drugs? Euthanasia? Was it without the patient's consent?

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: dibblah on March 04, 2008, 09:09:37 PM ---Skippy,

If you were a part of any western intelligence community u would never ever reveal that to anyone.

If u are then u have failed.

--- End quote ---

You got me, yes dibblah that was my whole point.  8;)


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