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Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: Vito on March 11, 2008, 03:55:29 PM ---
No no no no.. it's not at all about the sex. And yes, I did have a very deep connection with her.. we spoke of marriage, but neither one of us were in a position to move half way around the world. She couldn't handle waiting for me, and she was getting very depressed, she had to move on.

Anyway, that's over.. and ever since then I've been the boogy man to girls.

--- End quote ---

Oh a distance relationship. Yes they are very hard. I think harder than close up ones, because you do need complete faith in the other person.


--- Quote from: Skippy on March 11, 2008, 05:01:27 PM ---
--- Quote from: Vito on March 11, 2008, 03:55:29 PM ---
No no no no.. it's not at all about the sex. And yes, I did have a very deep connection with her.. we spoke of marriage, but neither one of us were in a position to move half way around the world. She couldn't handle waiting for me, and she was getting very depressed, she had to move on.

Anyway, that's over.. and ever since then I've been the boogy man to girls.

--- End quote ---

Oh a distance relationship. Yes they are very hard. I think harder than close up ones, because you do need complete faith in the other person.

--- End quote ---

It was difficult but we both trusted each other, that wasn't an issue at all..


--- Quote ---Maybe G-d does have something waiting for me.. but this is 2008, life moves a lot faster now than it did 2000 years ago
--- End quote ---

Yes Brother, BUT, remember G-D is perfect, and his plan is perfect! Everything happens for a reason.

You take care brother  ;)

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: Vito on March 11, 2008, 05:29:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: Skippy on March 11, 2008, 05:01:27 PM ---
--- Quote from: Vito on March 11, 2008, 03:55:29 PM ---
No no no no.. it's not at all about the sex. And yes, I did have a very deep connection with her.. we spoke of marriage, but neither one of us were in a position to move half way around the world. She couldn't handle waiting for me, and she was getting very depressed, she had to move on.

Anyway, that's over.. and ever since then I've been the boogy man to girls.

--- End quote ---

Oh a distance relationship. Yes they are very hard. I think harder than close up ones, because you do need complete faith in the other person.

--- End quote ---

It was difficult but we both trusted each other, that wasn't an issue at all..

--- End quote ---

 never is thats for sure.  :(

Are smoke bombs a good way to chase illegal Mexican aliens out of Los Angeles?


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