Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
Great article form AR
good article and great site.
I agree. Very interesting site.
Now just out of curiosity, have either of you been to the Amren conferences? If so, are the people really the way The Realist describes them?
It doesn't seem that way to me judging by the comments, which I always find interesting.
I've never been to one.
I am somewhat skeptical of AR's agenda.
Their website focuses exclusively on racial / cultural / religious problems, yet seems devoid of any focus whatsoever on AR's "solution" to them.
Nor do they set forth a clear socio-political-economic ideology to which their "American Rebirth" movement intends to return.
It is an open secret that the few Jews attending as speakers at their last concave in Virginia (at which were also David Duke, et al) were there begging and pleading their view that "unless you will allow us Jews in to your movement, it will likely be unsuccesful; because...after all, aren't we white people too???" [paraphrase is my take on things based on published reports].
In short, AR appears very much to be "National Alliance Lite"...the only ideology put forth is "White Christian Race Uber Alles".
The educated and scholarly articles and editorials soon end with NA's link page, where one click to any link leads straight to every Nazi & Aryan Nations website in the world.
Simply hating Jews, negroes, and everyone else in the world who's not "White Christian" is no big achievement; simply move to Alabama where such has always been the popular culture.
A political movement's ANSWER to the obvious problems, & how they intend to SOLVE them once in power, should be the criteria for Jews as to whether or not we should involve ourselves and/or ally ourselves with them.
"...your actions speak so loudly, that I can't hear what you're saying..."
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