You're being inconsistant and contradictory.
But with foods, we need to eat. And your absolutely right, fatty foods etc are a risk. Therefore it'simportant for governmnets to strictly monitor food preparation and the chemicals placed in the food.
If smoking must be banned- NOT merely regulated (as you say) because it shortens life, then so too must ALL fatty food. Humans can live on lentils and vegetable.
Sunbathing. That's a problem with society. That's why society needs to be de-programized towards not being sex robots and whaetver. And not just thinking sex sex sex the whole bloody freakin time!
You're missing the point. If smoking must be banned (as you say) because it MAY (or may not-depending on the person) cause cancer, then so too should sun bathing.
Insufficient sleep and warm clothes in winter won't kill you just like that.
Nor does tobacco. So if you are prepared to ban one, why not ban the other for the same reason? government needs to STRICTLY regulate the buying capacity for individuals.
It does. Not only with alcohol but with tobacco too.
But again you miss the point. You advocate 'regulating' booze (which alters the mind causing violence and dangerous driving etc) but 'banning' tobacco. Why the inconsistancy and where are your priorities?
With technology, it is possible to regulate how much alcohol one can buy.
'Regulate', 'monitor', 'control'..........nazism/communism pure and simple. Alcohol brings me to an important note. Alcohol is a terrible thing! It not only buggers up people's health, famly life, but it also kills. It basically upsets society. Bad family life as result of alcohol misuse will deeply challenge the children etc etc etc. Another thing, alcohol does nothing beneficial.
Yet you only advocate regulation and not a total ban as you do with tobacco. Why the hypocracy?
Alcohol has been with mankind since...since always, basically.
So has tobacco. Ask Amerindians......who used tobacco and and had hardly any cancer.
You need to take into account alcohol such as wine (which has religious purposes), but small amounts of alcohol has health benefits. Besides, controlled alcohol will not kill you, and does not permanantly bugger up your bodySmoking does!.
That is not proven. My grandfather smoked heavily for over 40 years and died at age 93 from NOTHING TO DO WITH tobacco. Please explain.
It carries no health advantages whatsoever. Evry smoke buggers up your body.
Not true. Nicotein has been shown to be the best natural anti-depressent thay've got. Superior to anti-depressant drugs, in fact. Depression is a huge killer in the west, so nicotein is good in that regard.
Notice how if you smoked 7 years efore pregnancy, your baby can suffer health risks
That does not apply to men and infertile women and women past child bearing age so it's a non-argument for banning.
and with alcohol this is not the case.
Have you never heard of feotal alcohol syndrome?

It's far worse than any smoking related problems a baby can suffer.So why ban one and not the other?
Yes, not all smokers get cancer. BUT it buggers up your immune and health systems, compromising one's system to fight diseases etc.
So does alcohol and a diet lacking vitamin C. So why ban one and not the others?
So should we debann drugs?
Drugs were NEVER a mainstream product. There is no comparison.
Should we lift bann's on say asbestos? Should governmnets cease their involvement in preventing dangerous products containing harmfull ingredients? Should governments stop ALL imports from China which have been banned from entry due to health hazards (personally id say bann ALL products from china).
So we can just go and build heavilly polluting industries right next to suburbs, nurseries and hospitals?
Those are not valid arguments, boer as you well know.
Harmfull ingredients, chemicals and factory pollution are not imbibed by people of their free will and consent. Tobacco, fatty food, booze and other vices are. That is why we outlaw the first and allow the second (with some regulation)
That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others, to do so would be wise, or even right... The only part of the conduct of anyone, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.
------The harm principle is articulated most clearly in John Stuart Mill's On Liberty
Call it communism/fascism, i call it seeing to it that MY people are not being murdered!
Fine. Murder is already banned (and it still occurs, BTW).
The volluntary imbibing by adults of tobacco, alcohol, saturated fat and other things by their own hand and consent is NOT 'murder'. Nor is it 'suicide' by any legal definition in any nation on earth.