Author Topic: AIPAC  (Read 2979 times)

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Offline Nahum

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« on: December 11, 2006, 11:23:50 AM »
When i was back in the states visiting family, AIPAC seemed to be the new "in" thing for the yupee Jews of scottsdale.  Even the religous crowds including the sephardic community of arizona are not only supporting AIPAC but volunteering time as well.  For what?  WHY?  It really angered me.  Thank G-d my immediate family is aware of the atrocity AIPAC assisted in = Gush Katif Expulsion.  Every conversation that i would approach in schul would somehow be related to AIPAC and how great they are.  Of course, i can not stand idly by and watch these idiots fumigate in their own s**t.  I had to say something. I explained to them that AIPAC supported the disengagement and are partially to blame for the event itself as well as the aftermath. the aftermath being this (  My analogy for AIPAC, when i talked to these american religious "zionists", was that AIPAC is like a whorehouse.  Better yet, AIPAC itself is a hooker.  They support/donate/lobby for any israeli government that is in power, whether it be right or left.  They support any horrifying and totally against halacha activity/atrocity committed by the evil Israeli government.  The vast majority of Jews in America are so light headed that they just dont realize what they are doing by helping support AIPAC.  I would suggest that if they really want to help donate money directly to the political party that you are in favor of.  If you want to lobby in teh states, call your senator or representative.  AIPAC's political angle is what makes them an evil organization that needs to be unseeded.

please, if you have read this far, and you agree with what i have said, tell your friends, neighbors, shul goers what AIPAC is really doing to Israel.  Bring about awareness.  I am collecting articles against AIPAC and if anyone has anything please post it in this thread so others can read/print/share with everyone.  STOP AIPAC!

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 07:44:34 AM »
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"

Probably began in earnest as a voice for the nascent Jewish State, but as the years passed became another Washington self-serving "meal-ticket".

I remember once reading of a most wise Eastern tyrant who ordered all subordinates to be rotated geographically on a regular basis so as to prevent the corruption that inevitably comes with an entrenched and "comfortable" bureaucracy.

( this particular case, entrenched Lobbyists)