Author Topic: I did a test and if I will succeed I will go to Tamarck summer camp, Toronto  (Read 11360 times)

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Hey, if I am going to a goyishah medical school why can't Dexter go to a reform camp.  He'll hopefully have some fun being in a different country and learn why the reform are so evil ... nothing substitutes seeing it with your own eyes. Although you would be better off studying Torah or working in Yukutiel's settlement ... no disagreement there.

Is this a serious question? You are in medical school to earn a living, he wants to go to camp in order to have a good time. + who says that the medical school is a bad place? Their not Jewish but it doesn't mean they are evil people, BUT being associated with refom and learning their messed up, philosophy on Judasim which is wrong is forbidden.

Forbidding it may cause a desire in people to go after it for a twisted reason. Dexter is a big boy...

Being gay is also forbidden. Are you telling me that because it is forbidden, now everyone is going to be gay because of that? Or it shouldn't be forbidden because of that?

Tzvi, being gay is forbidden by judaism, going to this camp is not forbidden.

I dont have the source, but im pretty sure no Rabbi would allow a parent to send a child to such a camp (well no real Orthodox Rabbi).

"Real" orthodox?

You [censored] me off, Tzvi!  It's only real when you agree with it, but when you disagree with it, it's fake!?

I can't stand your self-righteous prideful fundamentalism! You do Torah and Judaism no justice with your insanity! I dont' blame DWI being pissed off with you because of your annoying attitude of life in general!

Dan you hit it spot on. Only if someone agrees with tzvis rabbis and his outlook is he a jew in the eyes of tzvi. He terrorizes Chabad  but gets all excited when the evil of Ovadia Yosef is exposed. He actually thinks of himself as being above g-d because he always manages to pronounce on this forum what g-d will do to me. He predicted that I will burn in hell and he wished that it would come quickly. Over and over again, he makes decisions that only g-d is able to. He feels that he is holy enough to criticise chabad and he wants to excommunicate them from the jewish community. Look how he want to torture these people. Look at what a horrible example he sets for non religious jews. Anyone who reads his posts is immediately turned off. I wish he would be banned from this forum but I doubt it will happen.

There is more than one way to be right...If there were only one way to be right, then we shoudl pursue the one world mentality...and a one world mentality, we have learned, isnothing more than a tower of babel.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Dr. Dan

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Tzvi, being gay is forbidden by judaism, going to this camp is not forbidden.

Sigh.  The עם הארצות in here is disturbing.

I was once sitting at a table Shavuos time.  There was a homosexual there I knew and some other guy who I know to be a paranoid schizoid.  Anyways, he was quite arrogant and he started bringing up pseudo-Judaic tracts.  Such as the fable that Adam's first wife was Lilith the queen of demons.

This fable was written in a medieval era book called "Aleph Bet D'Eliyahu" or something like that and was never accepted in mainstream Judaism.  Before he brought this up, in a direct effort to attack his homosexual friend (His friend was not an acting homosexual - and this is the point I'm trying to bring up) he started saying how the Jewish Messiah was not coming because of homosexuality while emitting an evil glance at his poor friend.

I felt like I was one of the Rabbonim at the table of the רשע who mistakenly invited Bar Kamtza who didn't speak up when Bar Kamtza was publicly humiliated.

Homosexuality is not against the Torah.  Lying with another man is.  It is perfectly acceptable to be a homosexual if G-d created you that way.  Anyone who attacks homosexuals strictly based on how they were created is a wicked wretch and may heaven have mercy on your soul.

homosexual behavior is what is considered by Torah to be an abomination to you're correct.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Tzvi Ben Roshel1

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Hey, if I am going to a goyishah medical school why can't Dexter go to a reform camp.  He'll hopefully have some fun being in a different country and learn why the reform are so evil ... nothing substitutes seeing it with your own eyes. Although you would be better off studying Torah or working in Yukutiel's settlement ... no disagreement there.

Is this a serious question? You are in medical school to earn a living, he wants to go to camp in order to have a good time. + who says that the medical school is a bad place? Their not Jewish but it doesn't mean they are evil people, BUT being associated with refom and learning their messed up, philosophy on Judasim which is wrong is forbidden.

Forbidding it may cause a desire in people to go after it for a twisted reason. Dexter is a big boy...

Being gay is also forbidden. Are you telling me that because it is forbidden, now everyone is going to be gay because of that? Or it shouldn't be forbidden because of that?

Tzvi, being gay is forbidden by judaism, going to this camp is not forbidden.

I dont have the source, but im pretty sure no Rabbi would allow a parent to send a child to such a camp (well no real Orthodox Rabbi).

"Real" orthodox?

You [censored] me off, Tzvi!  It's only real when you agree with it, but when you disagree with it, it's fake!?

I can't stand your self-righteous prideful fundamentalism! You do Torah and Judaism no justice with your insanity! I dont' blame DWI being pissed off with you because of your annoying attitude of life in general!

Dan you hit it spot on. Only if someone agrees with tzvis rabbis and his outlook is he a jew in the eyes of tzvi. He terrorizes Chabad  but gets all excited when the evil of Ovadia Yosef is exposed. He actually thinks of himself as being above g-d because he always manages to pronounce on this forum what g-d will do to me. He predicted that I will burn in hell and he wished that it would come quickly. Over and over again, he makes decisions that only g-d is able to. He feels that he is holy enough to criticise chabad and he wants to excommunicate them from the jewish community. Look how he want to torture these people. Look at what a horrible example he sets for non religious jews. Anyone who reads his posts is immediately turned off. I wish he would be banned from this forum but I doubt it will happen.

There is more than one way to be right...If there were only one way to be right, then we shoudl pursue the one world mentality...and a one world mentality, we have learned, isnothing more than a tower of babel.

 That doesn't justify deviating from the Torah path that has been handed for generations. That also doesn't justify deform and conservative so- called Judasim, and all the other "free-thinkers" who cant admit their mistakes and then go on and make their own convenient rules and excuses. WHY? just in order to free their conscious, if desecrating Shabb-t, or sleeping with a goya, or dong homosexual acts is karet, then lets hide that fact, lets make up new convenient rules. Or lets says that turning on the computer or switching the lights on isn't really what G-d was talking about.  ::)  - Those who cant admit their mistakes will never improve themselves.
 At the tower of Bavel they were all united- BUT were united for evil. At Mt. Sinai all the Jews were united- But were united for good - to recieve the Torah from G-d. (thats why the nation was addressed in the singular and not in the plural).
The Academy of Elijah taught, whoever studies the laws (of the Torah) every day, (he) is guaranteed to have a share in the World to Come.

‏119:139 צִמְּתַתְנִי קִנְאָתִי כִּישָׁכְחוּ דְבָרֶיךָ צָרָי
My zeal incenses me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
‏119:141 צָעִיר אָנֹכִי וְנִבְזֶה פִּקֻּדֶיךָ, לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי.
 I am young and despised; I have not forgotten Your precepts.

" A fool does not realize, and an unwise person does not understand this (i.e. the following:) When the wicked bloom like grass, and the evildoers blossom (i.e. when they seem extremly successful), it is to destroy them forever (i.e. they are rewarded for their few good deeds in this World, and they will have no portion in the World to Come!)

Please visit: (The Greatest lectures on Earth).

Offline Dr. Dan

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Hey, if I am going to a goyishah medical school why can't Dexter go to a reform camp.  He'll hopefully have some fun being in a different country and learn why the reform are so evil ... nothing substitutes seeing it with your own eyes. Although you would be better off studying Torah or working in Yukutiel's settlement ... no disagreement there.

Is this a serious question? You are in medical school to earn a living, he wants to go to camp in order to have a good time. + who says that the medical school is a bad place? Their not Jewish but it doesn't mean they are evil people, BUT being associated with refom and learning their messed up, philosophy on Judasim which is wrong is forbidden.

Forbidding it may cause a desire in people to go after it for a twisted reason. Dexter is a big boy...

Being gay is also forbidden. Are you telling me that because it is forbidden, now everyone is going to be gay because of that? Or it shouldn't be forbidden because of that?

Tzvi, being gay is forbidden by judaism, going to this camp is not forbidden.

I dont have the source, but im pretty sure no Rabbi would allow a parent to send a child to such a camp (well no real Orthodox Rabbi).

"Real" orthodox?

You [censored] me off, Tzvi!  It's only real when you agree with it, but when you disagree with it, it's fake!?

I can't stand your self-righteous prideful fundamentalism! You do Torah and Judaism no justice with your insanity! I dont' blame DWI being pissed off with you because of your annoying attitude of life in general!

Dan you hit it spot on. Only if someone agrees with tzvis rabbis and his outlook is he a jew in the eyes of tzvi. He terrorizes Chabad  but gets all excited when the evil of Ovadia Yosef is exposed. He actually thinks of himself as being above g-d because he always manages to pronounce on this forum what g-d will do to me. He predicted that I will burn in hell and he wished that it would come quickly. Over and over again, he makes decisions that only g-d is able to. He feels that he is holy enough to criticise chabad and he wants to excommunicate them from the jewish community. Look how he want to torture these people. Look at what a horrible example he sets for non religious jews. Anyone who reads his posts is immediately turned off. I wish he would be banned from this forum but I doubt it will happen.

There is more than one way to be right...If there were only one way to be right, then we shoudl pursue the one world mentality...and a one world mentality, we have learned, isnothing more than a tower of babel.

 That doesn't justify deviating from the Torah path that has been handed for generations. That also doesn't justify deform and conservative so- called Judasim, and all the other "free-thinkers" who cant admit their mistakes and then go on and make their own convenient rules and excuses. WHY? just in order to free their conscious, if desecrating Shabbat, or sleeping with a goya, or dong homosexual acts is karet, then lets hide that fact, lets make up new convenient rules. Or lets says that turning on the computer or switching the lights on isn't really what G-d was talking about.  ::)  - Those who cant admit their mistakes will never improve themselves.
 At the tower of Bavel they were all united- BUT were united for evil. At Mt. Sinai all the Jews were united- But were united for good - to recieve the Torah from G-d. (thats why the nation was addressed in the singular and not in the plural).

Tzvi, I wasn't referring to this specifically.  Every Jew and every denomination, (if you want to call it that), of Judaism and every Rebbe of every town has a different opinion and different interpretation of certain halakhot and Torah rules.  What i'm trying to say is that there is no such thing as "real" orthodox.  What's "real"?  "Real" to you means whatever your rebbe says is right and everythign else that anybody else says that is different or even the opposite is wrong.

Now, I wasn't talking about homosexuality being ok and I wasn't talking about desecrating Shabbat (according to Orthodox tradition).

I am merely stating that it should be ok for Jews to be free thinkers with holy intentions.  Yes, we shoudl learn what the Rabbis teach.  But we are entitled to have opinions of agreement, disagreement, or confusion based on what they say and have said.  It's not a matter of losing faith in Torah.  It's a means of understanding it according to each person.  In other words, I'm all for people taking classes or learning from all types of rabbis even the deformed and conserved ones just so that you know how to answer back at insane things they might say.  Perhaps there is another angle of looking at the same thing that your rebbe hasn't thought of.

Tsvi, you're the type of person who just listens and goes with the flow and have a one-track mind.  You can't handle it when people disagree with you.  You have a lot of growing up to do if you are going to make it in the real world.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 01:46:32 PM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline DownwithIslam

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Dan you are so right here. I couldn't agree with you more.
I am urinating on a Koran.