General Category > Introduce Yourself


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--- Quote from: Just Erica on February 18, 2008, 05:24:07 AM ---
--- Quote from: Abdul-Azim on February 18, 2008, 05:20:12 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sarah on February 18, 2008, 05:18:35 AM ---You are doing no good Abdul-Azim, just go.

--- End quote ---

What have i done wrong?

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All you had to do was join the forum. That's it.

Another question before they ban you for asking/answering questions...

How do you feel about Jews and Judaism? (Dispite the fact that your girlfriend is Jewish).

--- End quote ---

His girlfriend cannot be Jewish.

Jewish girls are not having boyfirends, and are only marrying Jewish men.

This muslim, is in fact a semi-muslim, becoming secular.

That doesn't mean he isn't our enemy.

Sergio 11:
Islam: The sadistic man's plot for psychotic delinquency....

but of course one has free will... muslims just choose degeneracy and evil.


--- Quote from: Just Erica on February 18, 2008, 05:24:07 AM ---
--- Quote from: Abdul-Azim on February 18, 2008, 05:20:12 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sarah on February 18, 2008, 05:18:35 AM ---You are doing no good Abdul-Azim, just go.

--- End quote ---

What have i done wrong?

--- End quote ---
All you had to do was join the forum. That's it.

Another question before they ban you for asking/answering questions...

How do you feel about Jews and Judaism? (Dispite the fact that your girlfriend is Jewish).

--- End quote ---

They are people, just like anyone else.  Some of my best friends are Jewish.

Just Erica:

--- Quote from: Ambiorix on February 18, 2008, 05:26:53 AM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on February 18, 2008, 05:24:07 AM ---
--- Quote from: Abdul-Azim on February 18, 2008, 05:20:12 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sarah on February 18, 2008, 05:18:35 AM ---You are doing no good Abdul-Azim, just go.

--- End quote ---

What have i done wrong?

--- End quote ---
All you had to do was join the forum. That's it.

Another question before they ban you for asking/answering questions...

How do you feel about Jews and Judaism? (Dispite the fact that your girlfriend is Jewish).

--- End quote ---

His girlfriend cannot be Jewish.

Jewish girls are not having boyfirends, and are only marrying Jewish men.

This muslim, is in fact a semi-muslim, becoming secular.

That doesn't mean he isn't our enemy.

--- End quote ---
Why can't she be born Jewish then choose not to practice THEN get a boyfriend? And why can't he do the same as an Arab? As you said, he's secular (not following the evilness of the Quran).

Sergio 11:
any son of allah is an enemy in the eyes of Hashem and his people...

We (civilization) are his people.


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