Author Topic: JEW STONED IN BRITIAN  (Read 10084 times)

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Offline Cyberella

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« on: February 18, 2008, 07:52:12 PM »
Holocaust Day marred by 'racist' stone-throwing

30 January 2008

EXCLUSIVE By Mike Brooke

[email protected]

THE Holocaust Memorial Day marking the genocides of the 20th century was marred on Sunday when a gang of youths stoned Jewish tourists on a guided tour of London's East End.

A group of 96 visitors looking at sites of Jewish interest were attacked by youths hiding behind a fence in a back street in Whitechapel.

Two were struck by the missiles, an American woman just starting a new post at London's Metropolitan University and a Canadian lecturer.

The woman had blood pouring from her head and needed hospital treatment.

The tour was organised by leading local historian Clive Bettington, who was later asked by police if he wanted officers to accompany him in future, but declined.

"That would be admitting there are 'no go' areas," he said.

"I won't be intimidated. We have a right to walk our streets unmolested."

He has now written to Tower Hamlets chief executive Martin Smith for an urgent meeting.

Sunday's incident was outside a former Jewish maternity home in Underwood Road, now used as social services offices, which was on his tour as a place of interest where playwright Arnold Whesker and showbiz comedian Lionel Bart were born.


An eye-witness said: "Stones started to come down on us and some in the group were scared and ducked.

The woman who was injured, a New Yorker now living in London, started her job running the IT department at the Met University the following day.

"It wasn't exactly a nice welcome to the East End," she said.

"You're just so surprised standing in a large crowd like that being pelted with stones.

"I was shocked and didn't know what happened at first, then realised I was bleeding and knew I had been hit. My head was cut open."

She was treated at the Royal London Hospital and had to miss an inter-faith mdmorial service she was going to at the East London Central synagogue.

Her friend, Canadian Eric Litwack was hit by a missile, but did not need stitches.

He said: "It was obviously we were being targeted on a tour talking about Jewish history."


There was condemnation across the political spectrum at the multi-faith service at the synagogue later.

The Mayor of Tower Hamlets blamed it on "narrow religious views" in the community.

"It's horrifying this could happen in the East End in this day and age, on Holocaust Memorial Day of all days," Cllr Ann Jackson told the Advertiser.

"We must mediate between the narrow religious views of some in the Bangladeshi community. There is narrow mindedness in all communities. Everyone must realise ours is a tolerant society."

Lib Dem's Louise Alexander said: "I'm shocked this took place on my doorstep. It's a 'wake-up' call that highlights we are not there yet."

The Labour leader of Tower Hamlets council, Denise Jones, later issued a joint statement with all Opposition group leaders on the authority, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Respect, apologising on behalf of the community.

"We totally condemn the behaviour of those that intimidated and attacked people on the Holocaust Memorial walk," the Town Hall statement said.

"It is utterly disgraceful that the insensitive, aggressive and quite possibly criminal actions of a few tarnished this important time of reflection.

"We apologise on behalf of Tower Hamlets to the people who were subjected to the abuse and give assurance that we are supporting the police investigation into the incident."


Tower Hamlets' newly-appointed senior police officer responsible for youth involvement, Ins Paul Sloan, is treating the incident as "an anti-Semitic attack and as a 'race hate' crime."

He said: "The injured woman certainly felt it was anti-Semitic because she's Jewish and the attack was motivated by the fact a lot of Jews were present.

"We're keen to work with the organiser to stop this happening again.

"We might accompany them in future. That's one of the tactics we would employ, but that's not routine.

"We have to get to the root of the problem and need to know how often it's happened before."

The Met's new police liaison officer for the area, Ins Brian Mitchell, was immediately informed about Sunday's incident in which he said youths shouted at the tourists, 'if you go any further you'll die.'

He added: "It gets flagged up as 'racial' because of the victims' perception of what happened."

Note that none of the people who condemned these racists were muslims!

Now if these kids had been white throwing stones at “Asian” muslims, there would have been an outrage, corrupt politicians would have lined up to visit the area and condemned these racists with one voice, not to mention a wall to wall coverage on al-bbc..

But because the victims were Jews and the racists were muslims, no one cares.

Police escorts needed to go through muslim areas, police escorts needed to protect Jewish schools and kids going to and from these schools. Police protection needed outside Synagogues, CCTV in Jewish cemetery...

Remind me again, is this Britain or 1930's Munich.

Welcome to Islamic republic of britain where racist muslim thugs are tolerated by this muslim labor government.

Offline mord

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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2008, 07:56:30 PM »
Thats why certain people who come to Europe from backward countries like Pakistan should be deported
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2008, 09:47:50 PM »
Re:  "..."We have to get to the root of the problem..."

That, they will never do.

Because it is the UK Government itself which encourages such crimes against Jews.

The government is rotten from the Royal Family on down to the lowest member of Parliament.

So it was during the 1920's & 1930's; so it remains today.

Offline AussieJTFer

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« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 12:46:37 AM »
The English have always been a rotten bunch.

Offline JTFFan

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« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 02:12:36 AM »
The English have always been a rotten bunch.

yes, indeed

Offline Masha

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« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 03:24:41 AM »
"We must mediate between the narrow religious views of some in the Bangladeshi community. There is narrow mindedness in all communities. Everyone must realise ours is a tolerant society."

This is such a lame comment, it's unbelievable. It adds insult to injury. Do "narrow minded" members of the Jewish community throw stones at muslims? And what does it have to do with religion? The Jews were on a Holocaust memorial walk, which has nothing to do with any religious issues. Why not just say, this was an act of antisemitism? Why bring "religious views" into it?

Offline Ambiorix

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« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2008, 03:25:53 AM »
We must expell all muslims and destroy islam.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.


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« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2008, 03:40:44 AM »
gang of youths


"youths" in the European PC press and political language is a euphemism for 'muSSlims'.

Offline TruthSpreader

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« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2008, 11:20:19 AM »
Thats why certain people who come to Europe from backward countries like Pakistan should be deported

Exactly. They can live in their stinky much poorer Muckslum crapholes while we can live in our far more prosperous non-Muckslum Western countries.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Merkava

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« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2008, 06:03:22 PM »
Kind of makes me want to go out and buy a gun. I bet those yobs wouldn't be laughing when they see me riddling their heads with rounds and rounds of 9mm bullets.  >:(
"We are in 1938, and Iran is Germany"

Offline IslamIsCancer

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« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 09:20:06 AM »
IT'S INTERESTING WHY YOU NEVER SEE A EUROPEAN JEW ATTACK A EUROPEAN RAGHEAD, it's always muslims attacking Jews, show me ONE case when a Jew attacked a Muslim? Show me that and I'll give you 1000 dollars. It's time every European Jew hater saw the difference between civilized Jews and retarded backward disgusting mud slimes. Jews need to start defending themselves, remember the case in Frankfurt? What the hell is wrong with you guys you see a moojy attack your people KILL IT.
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline Merkava

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« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 11:45:00 AM »
IT'S INTERESTING WHY YOU NEVER SEE A EUROPEAN JEW ATTACK A EUROPEAN RAGHEAD, it's always muslims attacking Jews, show me ONE case when a Jew attacked a Muslim? Show me that and I'll give you 1000 dollars. It's time every European Jew hater saw the difference between civilized Jews and retarded backward disgusting mud slimes. Jews need to start defending themselves, remember the case in Frankfurt? What the hell is wrong with you guys you see a moojy attack your people KILL IT.

Obviously you won't see this in the press because the Jews control the media. :laugh:
"We are in 1938, and Iran is Germany"

Offline Ambiorix

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« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2008, 11:59:54 AM »
IT'S INTERESTING WHY YOU NEVER SEE A EUROPEAN JEW ATTACK A EUROPEAN RAGHEAD, it's always muslims attacking Jews, show me ONE case when a Jew attacked a Muslim? Show me that and I'll give you 1000 dollars. It's time every European Jew hater saw the difference between civilized Jews and retarded backward disgusting mud slimes. Jews need to start defending themselves, remember the case in Frankfurt? What the hell is wrong with you guys you see a moojy attack your people KILL IT.

Obviously you won't see this in the press because the Jews control the media. :laugh:

They refer to Israel "nazi-zionist state" , to prove that the muslims P@lestinians are the victims.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Ulli

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« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2008, 02:38:55 PM »
If this report is true:

Kill this Muzzie dreck. They not deserve welfare money, but cold steel.

I say: Never again!
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Vito

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« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2008, 03:28:13 PM »
Kick these MuSSlim animals the hell out of Europe!!!!!

Offline dibblah

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« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2008, 11:49:59 PM »
How Dare u Aussie say that Engalnd has always been a rotten bunch.. You probably originated from here in the first place.

We were the only country to stand against the Nazis and take on impossible odds for the freedom of Europe and the world.... France folded within months...,(although having a great and brave resistance movement). Britain invented freedom and democracy..allbeit admitedly on a chequred path. What was the "entire" rest of the world doing at this time whilst we did this.....? NOTHING. We set the standard that the West now emulates, unfortunately this process has been hijacked by politically correct cowards in our own country who are doing their best to destroy our ancient institutions and freedoms.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that we have a bunch of liberal and leftist, muzzie appeasing traitors who have sold England down the road to Europe and allow millions of muzzies to enter our country without restriction. When they come here they ponce all our benefits that we give them and the politicians put them before all indiginous peoples in houses, welfare, jobs, rights, and Law et. al.

The entire Lib/Lab/Con crowd are just opportunists like Tony Blair (their postergirl) with noses in the trough siphoning money and expenses and pensions from the British taxpayer, that we could never dream of having. Why is it that we have over 650 MP's for this country when America has only 450 in the house of representitives and it is 5 times our size????

But don't for one minute accuse us of being (as a nation) rotten..your country hasn't even been around long enough to be in a position to judge or be really tested by invasion and you came from the UK anyway so wtf are you talking about?

Most ordinary indigineous people see what is happening in this country and will be doing something to radically change it. The only hope for Britain, the West and Europe is to vote BNP and remove all illeagal and hostile aliens from our shores and send them back to the toilets they came from. Then they will really have some things to complain about and will probably be wishing that thet were not associated with the barbaric Islam which is an anathema to our people and our way of life.

-Just dont blame the British people; you will rapidly hit a brick wall. You are however welcome to blame the Labour traitors that currently run our country.

-Just dont be a sh*t a paint all English people with the same brush... ur wrong and you dont have the right!


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« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2008, 01:27:18 AM »
Britain WAS a country with backbone...................70 years ago.

However it's record on Jewery is appalling. Churchill ordered the camps and railway lines bombed but his generals/air marshalls ignored him (according to his biography).

Britain REFUSED Jewish refugees the right to enter Israel before AND after the war costing hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives.

During British occupation of Israel, Jews were jailed for keeping ONE pistol for defense while arab-nazis kept large supplies of rifles and ammunition to kill Jews with and were NEVER so much as arrested.

Britain broke it's promise under the Balfour declaration, illegally gave away part of Israel to the arabs (Jordan) and opposed the granting of the rest of it to the Jews.

Britain has consistantly voted against Israel in the UN since 1947 and sided with muSSlim nazis on every occasion.

I'm sorry, but Britain's 'rottonness' is no recent thing.

Offline dibblah

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« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2008, 01:55:43 AM »
Without the UK doing what it did in 1946 the Jews would not have Israel today...DO NOT FORGET THIS!

It was not a smooth begining for Israel and there was insurrection against the UK transition of rule by Israel because a) there were many seperatist Jewish groups all fighting for supremacy in the new Israel and b) what was happening was so quick to take over and was dropped into the mix in the backdrop of the 2nd world war..

Do not forget that Britain fought to contain Palestinian aggession against the establishment of Israel and many British soldiers lost their lives in 1946/47 in doing this...after the war they had fought for was they believed over with and when they were hoping to be de-mobbed and to go back to civilain life in Britain.

If we did not (Churchill) fight at the Potsdam convention for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Israel it would have never happened. Not only did we do this but we bled as a nation to secure it.


Know who your friends are....


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« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2008, 02:36:39 AM »
No argument with Churchill. It was Churchill who in 1946/47 publicly called upon Britain's labor government to 'end this sordid war AGAINST the Jews'.


There was no PLO until 1964!

Britain did ZERO to protect Jews from arab terrorism before, during and after the war. They did (however) disarm Jewish Kibbutzim to leave the Jews helpless while ignoring arab weapons caches. The attacks on British forces by the Irgun and Hagganah were WELL DESREVED.

Britain also trained nazi-Jordan's arab legion and did so right up until the final days of their presence there.

I will grant you this.............

Many rank & file British soldiers did turn a blind eye to Jewish refugees entering Israel. The Brits were also known to be too polite to search Jewish women intimately so it was possible for Jewesses to smuggle gun parts. There were also some Brit personell who actively helped the Jews such as Ord Wingate and others. I have read of two Brits who were deliberately looking the other way so the Hagganah could steal an armoured car just before Britain's withdrawal.

Unfortunately, the bad greatly outweighs the good.

Offline Ambiorix

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« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2008, 04:04:53 AM »
How Dare u Aussie say that Engalnd has always been a rotten bunch.. You probably originated from here in the first place.

We were the only country to stand against the Nazis and take on impossible odds for the freedom of Europe and the world.... France folded within months...,(although having a great and brave resistance movement). Britain invented freedom and democracy..allbeit admitedly on a chequred path. What was the "entire" rest of the world doing at this time whilst we did this.....? NOTHING. We set the standard that the West now emulates, unfortunately this process has been hijacked by politically correct cowards in our own country who are doing their best to destroy our ancient institutions and freedoms.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that we have a bunch of liberal and leftist, muzzie appeasing traitors who have sold England down the road to Europe and allow millions of muzzies to enter our country without restriction. When they come here they ponce all our benefits that we give them and the politicians put them before all indiginous peoples in houses, welfare, jobs, rights, and Law et. al.

The entire Lib/Lab/Con crowd are just opportunists like Tony Blair (their postergirl) with noses in the trough siphoning money and expenses and pensions from the British taxpayer, that we could never dream of having. Why is it that we have over 650 MP's for this country when America has only 450 in the house of representitives and it is 5 times our size????

But don't for one minute accuse us of being (as a nation) rotten..your country hasn't even been around long enough to be in a position to judge or be really tested by invasion and you came from the UK anyway so wtf are you talking about?

Most ordinary indigineous people see what is happening in this country and will be doing something to radically change it. The only hope for Britain, the West and Europe is to vote BNP and remove all illeagal and hostile aliens from our shores and send them back to the toilets they came from. Then they will really have some things to complain about and will probably be wishing that thet were not associated with the barbaric Islam which is an anathema to our people and our way of life.

-Just dont blame the British people; you will rapidly hit a brick wall. You are however welcome to blame the Labour traitors that currently run our country.

-Just dont be a sh*t a paint all English people with the same brush... ur wrong and you dont have the right!

I agree Dibblah.
Newman behaves like a self-hating White, when accusing ALL the British or European People.
Without us, the Europeans , USA/Canada/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa/South America/Japan/China/Arabia/Israel (what is left of it) wouldn't even exist in the first place.

We must take power, e.g. in Flanders, the nationalist party Vlaams Belang has already for a few years around 20%-25%.

All other parties form coalitions against VB, and today Belgium is becoming un-governable.

The last elections were 10 june 2007, and still, we have the previous prime minister and his party ruling Belgium.
Now , the same will happen in other countries in Europe.
it will become impossible to form a government without radical nationalists.
This happened already in Denmark, and we can see that it brings good things only.

We will take power, and then we will start expelling all illegals, welfare-parasites, criminal non-whites, put the drugs-dealers to death, end the colonisation of Europe by the sub-human-muslim-zombies.
And take back what is ours: Istanbul will be back the city of Byzantium-Constantinopel.
Kosovo will be SErbian.
Alabania will be wiped of the map.
The Caucasus will be cleansed of muslim-tribes.
And we will start a war against the third world-muslim-nazi countries, and Islam will be defeated anywhere anytime.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.


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« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2008, 04:14:12 AM »

I agree Dibblah.
Newman behaves like a self-hating White, when accusing ALL the British or European People.
Without us, the Europeans , USA/Canada/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa/South America/Japan/China/Arabia/Israel (what is left of it) wouldn't even exist in the first place.

I'm not in the least bit self-hating.

I have ZERO guilt about the european colonisation of the new world or the civilising of the savages (well, we tried). I also believe our white, european culture is vastly superior to any other except the Jewish culture.

I do (however) hate what the post-war europeans have become......... a bunch of gay,welfare dependent, poop-eating, schiesser movie-watching, communist, nazi, Jew-hating, muSSlim-loving appeasers and perverts. Present company being the exception. O0

Offline Masha

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« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2008, 04:28:58 AM »
I do (however) hate what the post-war europeans have become......... a bunch of gay,welfare dependent, poop-eating, schiesser movie-watching, communist, nazi, Jew-hating, muSSlim-loving appeasers and perverts. Present company being the exception. O0

The same could be said of many Jews. Even the Jew-hating part, since so many of them are self-haters. We are living in strange times. Our great Judeo-Christian civilization has become deracinated.  :'(


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« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2008, 04:40:27 AM »
I do (however) hate what the post-war europeans have become......... a bunch of gay,welfare dependent, poop-eating, schiesser movie-watching, communist, nazi, Jew-hating, muSSlim-loving appeasers and perverts. Present company being the exception. O0

The same could be said of many Jews. Even the Jew-hating part, since so many of them are self-haters. We are living in strange times. Our great Judeo-Christian civilization has become deracinated.  :'(

Oh we got big-time self-hate down here. They're a monority, thank G-d.

Leftist, elitist Aussies are self-hating on several levals:

1/ Being white/european colonisers

2/ Being British-descended which is even less fashionable than being from the continent.

3/ Being Australian which is too agrarian and unsophisticated than even the Americans.

Our liberal/leftist types have a complex that would keep a whole phsycology convention busy for years! :::D

Offline Ambiorix

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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2008, 05:28:38 AM »

I agree Dibblah.
Newman behaves like a self-hating White, when accusing ALL the British or European People.
Without us, the Europeans , USA/Canada/Australia/New Zealand/South-Africa/South America/Japan/China/Arabia/Israel (what is left of it) wouldn't even exist in the first place.

I'm not in the least bit self-hating.

I have ZERO guilt about the european colonisation of the new world or the civilising of the savages (well, we tried). I also believe our white, european culture is vastly superior to any other except the Jewish culture.

I do (however) hate what the post-war europeans have become......... a bunch of gay,welfare dependent, poop-eating, schiesser movie-watching, communist, nazi, Jew-hating, muSSlim-loving appeasers and perverts. Present company being the exception. O0

You are self-hating.
You hate Europeans with a passion that is abnormal.
If I compare the general US-american White, with a European, I feel shamed for them.
They are even worse, much worse.
You are a 15/16 European? Well than support the people who are going to liberate Europe, instead of calling us names.

Porn industry is not to be eradicated. just like the drugs-maffia.

If we would put to death everybody who puts porn on the internet, or drugs for sale, the moral-degradation-problem would be 90% under control.

Your ancesters come from this continent, and you behave like a fool, enjoying the destruction of it.

You should respect Jews, but it is not necessary to respect them more than yourself. That is wrong. Nobody asks you to do this.
No Jew should respect us more than Jews, we shouldn't respect Jews more than ourself.
That is self-hate.
How can you respect Jews, if you don't respect yourself??

The whole post - war western world has become what you describe there.
don't blame it on Europe alone, it is the same in the US and in Israel.
The moral crisis will create a chaos-conflict, and we righteous people will reemerge victorius.
Europe's morals have been destroyed by Hollywood and Americanisation, by the mass-media,
that are year by year getting more a-culturalised.

You are totally wrong about Europe.
We are silent, but we know very well what is at stake the coming 30 years.
Have you talked with the people on the street in Holland or Belgium or France lately?

The people are unanimous about getting rid of the immigrant-youths, Islam, and blacks.
You don't see news-reports yet in the media, but the people here are turning against the EUSSR-regime.

We will crush the EUSSR, send the alien invaders to allah, while the USA/Australia/... will fall.

I don't believe Jewish culture is superior to ours.

That is self-hate. I am not a Jew, so I don't pretend I am by liking a culture not of my own more than my own.

Let Jews believe their culture is superior, and let Europeans believe our culture is superior.

That is my point of view.

My culture is Greek-Roman-German-Celtic-Frank-Slavic-Christian.
Christianity is half Jewish, half European.
So for a real Jew the term  "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.


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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2008, 05:45:06 AM »
Don't blame your moral problems on Hollywood. Europe has home-made filth that puts Hollywood in the shade. You don't see anything like the depravity of europe in America. There is NO Hamburg or Amsterdam in the US.


Australians, Americans and Boers are NOT europeans. We descend from europeans. We bear no similarities with europeans in politics and very little in culture. I'm not alone in hating post-war europe. American conservatives can't stand the place, either. Just like Boers can't stand modern day Holland.

If you think europe will survive but America/Australia will fall, you're living in a dream. Americans are still overwhelmingly conservative as are Australians. Our 'left' political party is more right wing than conservative parties in europe. Europe is (on a historical scale) about 30 seconds from complete iSSlamisation. Europes ability to fight is lost.
Look at the Great Dane (the dog). It was once a fierce dog used to kill on medievel battlefields, but after years of being pets the breed has become cowardly. Shout at a great Dane today and it runs away. Too late to change the breed now, I'm afraid.