Author Topic: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?  (Read 21583 times)

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Just Erica

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2008, 05:02:04 PM »
It's my personal feeling about the movie. You didnt' have a right to attack me because I admitted that the movie was emotional. How petty was that? And to add to it, I wasn't even responding to you...I responded to kellymaureen's post. Why did you have to add a smart remark if I wasn't attacking anyone?
Ever seen "Scary Movie" where the black girl starts acting wild!  That's why...don't go fox wild!  I'm sure Whoopi enjoyed playing the part of "abused [censored]" anyway!
What? Did you witness me going off on a racist stereotype ridden rampage here? I don't think so.

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #51 on: February 20, 2008, 05:17:16 PM »
last of the mohicans... great story line... great panoramic vistas... and great, great music... nik.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline abdithefaithful

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #52 on: February 20, 2008, 07:12:06 PM »
Isn't it slightly suspect the way Erica fails to mention the wholesome family film "A Christmas Too Many" in her list of movie favorites? A film that features courageous Afro-Black-American role model Mr. Gary Coleman playing the role of an enchanting "pizza guy"??... Hmm, somehow THAT one got excluded from her list...
What in the hell are you  talking about? I have never seen "A Christmas Too Many". Why do you assume that because I'm black that I have seen EVERY movie freaturing blacks (including Gary Coleman). There is something wrong with you if you AND newman feel you have to attack me. I am a Christian and I've been trying to act decently here without making insults about whites. Apparently that's not enough for you. I don't hate anyone but I really dislike both you and newman. Leave me alone.

How was that an "attack"?!... I politely and respectfully inquired as to why you didn't include the aforementioned film that features the talented and courageous  Gary "The Rock Of Integrity" Coleman... It was certainly not meant as an "insult", I'm sure that Gary Coleman wouldn't have interpreted my posting in such a rash and irrational way, and I know for sure that he would never have resorted to the lewd language that you viciously attacked me with in your previous post (You used the "H" word in your very first sentence!! THAT's not very ethical, I keep my language in proper check at all times)... I thought the film was of a wholesome family oriented nature and I also believe that Gary Coleman's  performance in it as the "pizza guy" was nothing short of charming and enchanting.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 07:17:22 PM by abdithefaithful »
If you don't like The Great Chaim, then you sure as heck wouldn't like me!

Offline Ari

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #53 on: February 20, 2008, 07:25:42 PM »
Oh, I forget one of my favorite comedies, "BAD SANTA," it's hilarious. O0

Just Erica

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2008, 07:26:37 PM »
Isn't it slightly suspect the way Erica fails to mention the wholesome family film "A Christmas Too Many" in her list of movie favorites? A film that features courageous Afro-Black-American role model Mr. Gary Coleman playing the role of an enchanting "pizza guy"??... Hmm, somehow THAT one got excluded from her list...
What in the hell are you  talking about? I have never seen "A Christmas Too Many". Why do you assume that because I'm black that I have seen EVERY movie freaturing blacks (including Gary Coleman). There is something wrong with you if you AND newman feel you have to attack me. I am a Christian and I've been trying to act decently here without making insults about whites. Apparently that's not enough for you. I don't hate anyone but I really dislike both you and newman. Leave me alone.

How was that an "attack"?!... I politely and respectfully inquired as to why you didn't include the aforementioned film that features the talented and courageous  Gary "The Rock Of Integrity" Coleman... It was certainly not meant as an "insult", I'm sure that Gary Coleman wouldn't have interpreted my posting in such a rash and irrational way, and I know for sure that he would never have resorted to the lewd language that you viciously attacked me with in your previous post (You used the "H" word in your very first sentence!! THAT's not very ethical, I keep my language in proper check at all times)... I thought the film was of a wholesome family oriented nature and I also believe that Gary Coleman's  performance in it as the "pizza guy" was nothing short of charming and enchanting.
Tell me something.  How could someone "fail to mention" a movie they've never seen (JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK and Gary Coleman is an actor in the movie)? That was an attack.

Offline abdithefaithful

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #55 on: February 20, 2008, 07:39:45 PM »
Isn't it slightly suspect the way Erica fails to mention the wholesome family film "A Christmas Too Many" in her list of movie favorites? A film that features courageous Afro-Black-American role model Mr. Gary Coleman playing the role of an enchanting "pizza guy"??... Hmm, somehow THAT one got excluded from her list...
What in the hell are you  talking about? I have never seen "A Christmas Too Many". Why do you assume that because I'm black that I have seen EVERY movie freaturing blacks (including Gary Coleman). There is something wrong with you if you AND newman feel you have to attack me. I am a Christian and I've been trying to act decently here without making insults about whites. Apparently that's not enough for you. I don't hate anyone but I really dislike both you and newman. Leave me alone.

How was that an "attack"?!... I politely and respectfully inquired as to why you didn't include the aforementioned film that features the talented and courageous  Gary "The Rock Of Integrity" Coleman... It was certainly not meant as an "insult", I'm sure that Gary Coleman wouldn't have interpreted my posting in such a rash and irrational way, and I know for sure that he would never have resorted to the lewd language that you viciously attacked me with in your previous post (You used the "H" word in your very first sentence!! THAT's not very ethical, I keep my language in proper check at all times)... I thought the film was of a wholesome family oriented nature and I also believe that Gary Coleman's  performance in it as the "pizza guy" was nothing short of charming and enchanting.
Tell me something.  How could someone "fail to mention" a movie they've never seen (JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK and Gary Coleman is an actor in the movie)? That was an attack.

I certainly didn't mention the movie because I suspect you might possibly be black. And there's no way that you can deny using such brutally crude language like the dreaded "H" word makes for proper internet etiquette... I always practice the utmost pristine internet etiquette in my postings, you'll never see me resorting to using "foul language" or words that would set a young child's ears ablaze for weeks (uh, like the dreaded "H" word)... I'm sorry that the mere and innocent mentioning of such a stand-up and classy gentleman like Gary Coleman activates you to commence cursing at me like a drunken sailor in a Bangkok "girlie bar"--- The practice of proper internet etiquette is always of the utmost prominence to me.
If you don't like The Great Chaim, then you sure as heck wouldn't like me!

Just Erica

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #56 on: February 20, 2008, 07:48:51 PM »
Isn't it slightly suspect the way Erica fails to mention the wholesome family film "A Christmas Too Many" in her list of movie favorites? A film that features courageous Afro-Black-American role model Mr. Gary Coleman playing the role of an enchanting "pizza guy"??... Hmm, somehow THAT one got excluded from her list...
What in the hell are you  talking about? I have never seen "A Christmas Too Many". Why do you assume that because I'm black that I have seen EVERY movie freaturing blacks (including Gary Coleman). There is something wrong with you if you AND newman feel you have to attack me. I am a Christian and I've been trying to act decently here without making insults about whites. Apparently that's not enough for you. I don't hate anyone but I really dislike both you and newman. Leave me alone.

How was that an "attack"?!... I politely and respectfully inquired as to why you didn't include the aforementioned film that features the talented and courageous  Gary "The Rock Of Integrity" Coleman... It was certainly not meant as an "insult", I'm sure that Gary Coleman wouldn't have interpreted my posting in such a rash and irrational way, and I know for sure that he would never have resorted to the lewd language that you viciously attacked me with in your previous post (You used the "H" word in your very first sentence!! THAT's not very ethical, I keep my language in proper check at all times)... I thought the film was of a wholesome family oriented nature and I also believe that Gary Coleman's  performance in it as the "pizza guy" was nothing short of charming and enchanting.
Tell me something.  How could someone "fail to mention" a movie they've never seen (JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK and Gary Coleman is an actor in the movie)? That was an attack.

I certainly didn't mention the movie because I suspect you might possibly be black. And there's no way that you can deny using such brutally crude language like the dreaded "H" word makes for proper internet etiquette... I always practice the utmost pristine internet etiquette in my postings, you'll never see me resorting to using "foul language" or words that would set a young child's ears ablaze for weeks (uh, like the dreaded "H" word)... I'm sorry that the mere and innocent mentioning of such a stand-up and classy gentleman like Gary Coleman activates you to commence cursing at me like a drunken sailor in a Bangkok "girlie bar"--- The practice of proper internet etiquette is always of the utmost prominence to me.
What "H" word? What are you talking about? And don't pretend you didn't know I was black. And it WASN'T ABOUT GARY COLEMAN, MAN. It was about the fact that you assumed that I watched a movie you said I neglected to list and that you mentioned the movie because I'm black and therefore "SHOULD HAVE" watched the movie. How is that fair. I HAVE NEVER seen the movie.

Offline abdithefaithful

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2008, 08:52:13 AM »
Erica, for you to come on this forum, a forum with members who are probably among the greatest minds in all society and claim that you don't know what the "H" word is, or that you don't recall using the "H" word in your post directed at me is quite a stretch... To help ratify this troubling situation and bring this issue some much needed justice, I have created a fictional dialogue between Gary Coleman and myself... The scene is as follows, I am sitting at my computer keyboard and the esteemed Gary Coleman is standing next to me as we engage in thought provoking conversation...

Abdit: Wow, It's really you! Pleased to meet you Mr. Gary Coleman!

Gary Coleman: The pleasure is all mine sir!

Abdit: Gary, believe it or not, there's a woman named Erica on the JTF forum who used the dreaded "H" word while addressing me!

Gary Coleman: WHAT YOU TALKIN' 'BOUT, ABDIT?!? (said in true old school Diff'rent Strokes style)

Abdit: (chuckles) Well, Mr. Coleman, Erica said to me, "What the "H" are you talking about?"

Gary Coleman: I see, so, she sort of stold my famous catch phrase and inserted a nasty curse word in it?

Abdit: Uh, yeah, Mr. Coleman, I guess that's a way of puttin' it.

Gary Coleman: That's a gosh darn shame, Abdit. I would never use that kind of crude and harsh language on the internet or anywhere for that matter.

Abdit: I know YOU wouldn't, Mr. Coleman, you're a stand-up guy who can do no wrong.

Gary Coleman: Thanks, Abdit, that's nice of you to say that. I wear these embroidered American flags on the shoulders of my security guard uniform with pride and dignity.

Abdit: I know you do, Mr. Coleman, I know you do...

Gary Coleman: You see, Abdit, there's something called proper internet etiquette, I think maybe Erica should try using it.

Abdit: Yes, Mr. Coleman. I always practice proper internet etiquette when typing on my keyboard!

Gary Coleman: I'm sure you do, Abdit.

Abdit: Can I get you a soda pop or something, Mr. Coleman?

Gary Coleman: Thanks but no thanks, Abdit, I'm scheduled to report for security guard duty soon and caffeine makes me jumpy. I need to be on my game and clear headed while protecting the public as a security professional.

Abdit: Wow, you sure have a high degree of morals and ethics, Mr. Coleman. You are certainly a positive role model for the black community!

Gary Coleman: (replies humbly) Well, I don't know about that, Abdit, but I can guarantee you that you'll never see ME using the dreaded "H" word on the internet!

Abdit: You really are sumpthin', Mr. Coleman. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me.

Gary Coleman: No problem, Abdit. Anytime....

« Last Edit: February 21, 2008, 08:56:18 AM by abdithefaithful »
If you don't like The Great Chaim, then you sure as heck wouldn't like me!

Just Erica

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2008, 12:23:37 AM »
Erica, for you to come on this forum, a forum with members who are probably among the greatest minds in all society and claim that you don't know what the "H" word is, or that you don't recall using the "H" word in your post directed at me is quite a stretch... To help ratify this troubling situation and bring this issue some much needed justice, I have created a fictional dialogue between Gary Coleman and myself... The scene is as follows, I am sitting at my computer keyboard and the esteemed Gary Coleman is standing next to me as we engage in thought provoking conversation...

Abdit: Wow, It's really you! Pleased to meet you Mr. Gary Coleman!

Gary Coleman: The pleasure is all mine sir!

Abdit: Gary, believe it or not, there's a woman named Erica on the JTF forum who used the dreaded "H" word while addressing me!

Gary Coleman: WHAT YOU TALKIN' 'BOUT, ABDIT?!? (said in true old school Diff'rent Strokes style)

Abdit: (chuckles) Well, Mr. Coleman, Erica said to me, "What the "H" are you talking about?"

Gary Coleman: I see, so, she sort of stold my famous catch phrase and inserted a nasty curse word in it?

Abdit: Uh, yeah, Mr. Coleman, I guess that's a way of puttin' it.

Gary Coleman: That's a gosh darn shame, Abdit. I would never use that kind of crude and harsh language on the internet or anywhere for that matter.

Abdit: I know YOU wouldn't, Mr. Coleman, you're a stand-up guy who can do no wrong.

Gary Coleman: Thanks, Abdit, that's nice of you to say that. I wear these embroidered American flags on the shoulders of my security guard uniform with pride and dignity.

Abdit: I know you do, Mr. Coleman, I know you do...

Gary Coleman: You see, Abdit, there's something called proper internet etiquette, I think maybe Erica should try using it.

Abdit: Yes, Mr. Coleman. I always practice proper internet etiquette when typing on my keyboard!

Gary Coleman: I'm sure you do, Abdit.

Abdit: Can I get you a soda pop or something, Mr. Coleman?

Gary Coleman: Thanks but no thanks, Abdit, I'm scheduled to report for security guard duty soon and caffeine makes me jumpy. I need to be on my game and clear headed while protecting the public as a security professional.

Abdit: Wow, you sure have a high degree of morals and ethics, Mr. Coleman. You are certainly a positive role model for the black community!

Gary Coleman: (replies humbly) Well, I don't know about that, Abdit, but I can guarantee you that you'll never see ME using the dreaded "H" word on the internet!

Abdit: You really are sumpthin', Mr. Coleman. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me.

Gary Coleman: No problem, Abdit. Anytime....

This is the kind of post that makes one wonder about another's (YOUR) sanity. I said Hell...Yes. And?...

The word is OBVIOUSLY a word that isn't banned from forum. So I'll post it all I want, especially when you assume that you know anything about my personal movie favorites. And "What in the hell are you talking about?" doesn't belong to Gary Coleman.

Since you adore Gary so much though... (It's apparent by the deep conversation  ::) you and he had.) why don't you go and stalk him.

Offline abdithefaithful

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #59 on: February 22, 2008, 09:15:55 AM »
Ok, Erica, so maybe the monitors did in fact permit your use of the dreaded and controversial "H" word... That still doesn't negate the fact that your application of the "H" word towards me was an outright slap against what is commonly referred to as "proper internet etiquette"... I'm sure there are applications when using the "H" word on this forum, especially since it is a religious based forum that are far more appropriate and fall well within the boundaries of "proper internet etiquette"... For someone like yourself, who I've seen constantly complaining about the behavior of others on this board, you sure don't hesitate to jump in and start throwing around expletives like a drunken sailor when you feel that your feathers have been even mildly ruffled... You'd never see me use the "H" word in such a derogatory fashion... Much like Gary Coleman, I maintain a higher degree of morally sound and ethically proper etiquette when communicating with others...Oh, and speaking of Gary Coleman, did you know that "America's Favorite and Most Lovable Security Guard" just recently got married?... Yes, he did... Gary Coleman who is 40, wed Shannon Price, 22 in a ceremony of holy matrimony--- Yes, another reason why Gary Coleman can be considered a stellar role model for the black community, he actually got married in holy matrimony... I tell you, Erica, there's no way you can now deny that the coveted pages of the black history books will write extremely favorably and admirably about black community hero Mr. Gary Coleman.

If you don't like The Great Chaim, then you sure as heck wouldn't like me!

Offline Ithaca-37

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #60 on: February 22, 2008, 12:46:21 PM »
I'm a fan of classic movies, and I could name some great ones, just off the top of my head:

- Gone with the Wind;
- The Bridge on the River Kwai;
- Jesus of Nazareth (by Franco Zeffirelli - sp?)
- Patton;
- Chinatown;
- Doctor Zhivago;
- The Quiet Man;
- Grand Prix;
- The Good the Bad and the Ugly
- Monty Python's Life of Brian;
- Dirty Harry;
- Cool Hand Luke;
and others.

But if forced to name my all-time favorite, then it would be this one ..... I've been waiting for this name to be put forth, and I'm genuinely surprised that it's a no-show so far: 

BEN HUR, w/ Charlton Heston


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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #61 on: February 22, 2008, 12:58:59 PM »
It's not right to pick on Erica just for her listing movies that she liked just like everyone else in the thread was doing.

Anyway, here are some of my favorites:

Dune (the original 80s version)

Flight of the Navigator

Neverending Story (only the first one)

Edward Scissorhands

Offline Scriabin

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #62 on: February 22, 2008, 01:02:07 PM »
But if forced to name my all-time favorite, then it would be this one ..... I've been waiting for this name to be put forth, and I'm genuinely surprised that it's a no-show so far: 


Of course.  Ben Hur is one of the Greats.

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #63 on: February 22, 2008, 01:02:47 PM »
The Color Purple
I forgot about that movie, genteelgentile! That's one of my favorite movies but I only watch it twice a year because it's emotionally jolting and features a lot of abuse.

The book was very emotional too Erica. I recommend it. It goes into more detail than the movie does but Alice Walker is a very talented author.

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #64 on: February 22, 2008, 01:10:52 PM »
It's not right to pick on Erica just for her listing movies that she liked just like everyone else in the thread was doing.

Anyway, here are some of my favorites:

Dune (the original 80s version)

Flight of the Navigator

Neverending Story (only the first one)

Edward Scissorhands

Your right RubyStars.  Lets stop picking on Erica, and pick on you!   What the hell kinda list is that for favorite movies?????
Flight of the Navigator????   Neverending Story??  Dune???   Maybe you should include 'Battlefield Earth' in that coveted list.


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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #65 on: February 22, 2008, 01:12:42 PM »
It's not right to pick on Erica just for her listing movies that she liked just like everyone else in the thread was doing.

Anyway, here are some of my favorites:

Dune (the original 80s version)

Flight of the Navigator

Neverending Story (only the first one)

Edward Scissorhands

Maybe you should include 'Battlefield Earth' in that coveted list.


 :::D :::D

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #66 on: February 22, 2008, 01:14:06 PM »
Your right RubyStars.  Lets stop picking on Erica, and pick on you!   What the hell kinda list is that for favorite movies?????
Flight of the Navigator????   Neverending Story??  Dune???   Maybe you should include 'Battlefield Earth' in that coveted list.


Don't forget Basket Case, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #67 on: February 22, 2008, 01:16:45 PM »
Quote from: Scriabin link=topic=16866.msg#msg date=
Quote from: briann link=topic=16866.msg#msg date=
Your right RubyStars.  Lets stop picking on Erica, and pick on you!   What the hell kinda list is that for favorite movies?????
Flight of the Navigator????   Neverending Story??  Dune???   Maybe you should include 'Battlefield Earth' in that coveted list.


Don't forget Basket Case, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

BASKET CASE!!!  Wow, that brings back memories.  I didn't think anyone else even knew about that one.
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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #68 on: February 22, 2008, 01:18:21 PM »
[Your right RubyStars.  Lets stop picking on Erica, and pick on you!   What the hell kinda list is that for favorite movies?????
Flight of the Navigator????   Neverending Story??  Dune???   Maybe you should include 'Battlefield Earth' in that coveted list.

Hmmm, let's see what else I liked.

I haven't seen Battlefield Earth, but I do like many science fiction movies. The Abyss was cool.

Also I have to admit it, I liked PeeWee's big adventure. My favorite line was: "The Alamo has no basement!" LOL

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #69 on: February 22, 2008, 04:26:51 PM »
Almost all Stanley Kubrick movies were great, but I understand he was a self-hating Jew who married a Nazi unfortunately.

Just Erica

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #70 on: February 23, 2008, 07:35:43 PM »
Ok, Erica, so maybe the monitors did in fact permit your use of the dreaded and controversial "H" word... That still doesn't negate the fact that your application of the "H" word towards me was an outright slap against what is commonly referred to as "proper internet etiquette"... I'm sure there are applications when using the "H" word on this forum, especially since it is a religious based forum that are far more appropriate and fall well within the boundaries of "proper internet etiquette"... For someone like yourself, who I've seen constantly complaining about the behavior of others on this board, you sure don't hesitate to jump in and start throwing around expletives like a drunken sailor when you feel that your feathers have been even mildly ruffled... You'd never see me use the "H" word in such a derogatory fashion... Much like Gary Coleman, I maintain a higher degree of morally sound and ethically proper etiquette when communicating with others...Oh, and speaking of Gary Coleman, did you know that "America's Favorite and Most Lovable Security Guard" just recently got married?... Yes, he did... Gary Coleman who is 40, wed Shannon Price, 22 in a ceremony of holy matrimony--- Yes, another reason why Gary Coleman can be considered a stellar role model for the black community, he actually got married in holy matrimony... I tell you, Erica, there's no way you can now deny that the coveted pages of the black history books will write extremely favorably and admirably about black community hero Mr. Gary Coleman.

There is something incredibly wrong with you. First of all, with everyone here demanding that people like Madonna, Obama (husband and wife), and anyone else they disagree with "go to hell", I find your response to be even more comical than before. Are you 'teaching'' them about internet ettiquette? (For the record I did tell a forum member to go to hell not long ago because he said something that was totally unwarranted and cruel. )

Also, "What in the hell are yout talking about?" isn't the same as telling someone to "Go to hell!"... different connotations. And if you're upset that I asked you what you were talking about (because  you assumed I watched a movie I never saw before in my life and acted like I neglected to list it...) that's too bad. I suggest that next time before you post to someone based on misinformation (on your part) , think about whether what you are saying actually applies to that person.

If you want to worship Gary Coleman... please one will stop you here. However, I've paid him proper respect by acknowledging that he's been through a lot and gotten over a lot...that makes him a wonderful man. However it doesn't make him any different than someone who's gone through the same trials and tribulations to come out on top in their life. He's human...not a God.

And it's funny, the only expletetives I've actually typed out are "Damn" and "HELL"... AND IT'S ACCEPTED HERE. Are you bashing everyone else here who use worse words than I do? With that said, until the mods see fit to change said words to "Darned" and "HECK" I'll use them where I see fit to use them. THEN I'll use them in THAT capacity.

And about Gary Coleman getting married, that's wonderful! :) But I'm married also. That doesn't make me a pillar of society.

Don't post to me again about dumb things.

Just Erica

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #71 on: February 23, 2008, 07:36:56 PM »
The Color Purple
I forgot about that movie, genteelgentile! That's one of my favorite movies but I only watch it twice a year because it's emotionally jolting and features a lot of abuse.

The book was very emotional too Erica. I recommend it. It goes into more detail than the movie does but Alice Walker is a very talented author.
I'll buy the book to fill in for the times I don't watch the movie. :) Thanks for the suggestion Rubystars.

Just Erica

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #72 on: February 23, 2008, 07:39:08 PM »
It's not right to pick on Erica just for her listing movies that she liked just like everyone else in the thread was doing.

Anyway, here are some of my favorites:

Dune (the original 80s version)

Flight of the Navigator

Neverending Story (only the first one)

Edward Scissorhands
And Ruby.. ALL of those movies are my favorite. I have a thing for fantasy movies. I even loved "The Chronicles of Narnia- The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe." And all of the "Harry Potter" movies.

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #73 on: February 23, 2008, 07:47:02 PM »
hmm.. Fiddler on the Roof, in trying to escape BolsheviKKK KKKommunism

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Re: What's Your Favorite Movie of All-Time?
« Reply #74 on: February 23, 2008, 07:50:45 PM »
hmm.. Fiddler on the Roof, in trying to escape BolsheviKKK KKKommunism

OH yes! How could I forget that one! That was a GREAT movie!  O0

Yes, it's my favorite movie O0