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hello to everyone from a Serb

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nice to meet all of you..thanks for the support..!! it means a lot...maybe usa isnt lost at all.. i hope the american people here can change things in U.S...God bless you all!! please we dont want another middle east in europa..

Welcome to the forum :)


--- Quote from: george_jtf on February 20, 2008, 10:11:04 AM ---Q: how does a muslim know he has become a man?
A: he takes a diaper from his donkey and puts it on his head

Funny, but true.
Please spread this joke to everyone.

--- End quote ---

LOL  welcome to the forum

What do you call 32 muslims in a tent......
A full set of teeth ;)

Good to have you here on the forum George_JTF!  I for one am ashamed that the U.S. has recognized and legitimized the terrorist and illegitimate "Republic of Kosovo" and I apologize for that!

Tina Greco - Melbourne:
Welcome to the forum


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