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Danish Responses, Muslim Reactions
« on: February 20, 2008, 06:23:43 PM »
Danish Responses, Muslim Reactions
by Baron Bodissey
In response to the latest wave of Muslim violence, the Danish authorities are working intensively on ways to deal with the riots.

Meanwhile, “freedom fighters” in Gaza are calling for the prompt extermination of Danish cartoonists.

I’ve had these two articles since last night, and I’ve been so busy that I almost lost track of them. Thanks to Henrik of Europe News for translating them.

First, from Jyllands-Posten:

Rioters to be evicted

Housing administrators in most of Denmark are ready to act against the troublemakers behind the arson and destruction in Denmark during the past week.

The young troublemakers, who have caused destruction in most major cities, risk being evicted from their apartments.

Some administrators have already made up their minds to evict the rioters and their families, while others are seriously considering following this line.

Violent unrest

The reactions from the administrators follow several days of violent unrest which spread from central Copenhagen to other parts of the country, where garbage containers, cars and schools have been set ablaze. The total cost of the damage as yet to be accounted for, but the reaction from the housing administrators is clear: If it can be proven that a tenant is responsible for arson or other destructive behavior, he will be evicted for violations of the appropriate law.

“In this case, the administrators are prepared to court and have the persons evicted by legal means,” states CEO of Fællesorganisationens Boligforening in Slagelse, Jørgen Mejlgård, who administers some 3,500 apartments.

Politics of consequence

In Copenhagen, the statements from KAB and FSB, who administer some 63,000 apartments in the capital, are that inhabitants involved in destructive behavior will be evicted if it is deemed necessary. Arbejdernes Andelsboligforening (AAB) with 18,000 apartments are giving the approach serious consideration.

As is Kalundborg Almennyttige Boligselskab, though they are primarily requesting “dialogue”. “But if members of one family keeps wrecking everything, other measures will be considered,” states chairman Richard Poulsen.

Brabrand Boligforening, who owns Gellerupparken [large ghetto] near Århus, have conducted a politics of consequence in the area since 2003, and CEO Torben Overgaard states that this will continue. “We know that it is the same families causing trouble over and over. And if they cause considerable inconvenience to their surroundings, we will cancel their rental contracts,” says Torben Overgaard, who in Århus is supported by Boligselskabet Århus Omegn, who administers Rosenhøj, which had similar problems.

A broad set of initiatives.
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Chairman for Boligselskabernes Landsforening, Henning Kirk Christiansen, who is also CEO of Boligselskabet Højstrup, owner of the ghetto area Vollsmose, supports the tough stance. But he adds that evicting the rioters does not itself solve any problems. “Consideration for other inhabitants necessitates eviction of violent inhabitants. But we are still left with a core question: Why these brats behave like this at all, which demands a broad set of initiatives,” states Henning Kirk Christiansen.

Demands on parents

Minister of Welfare Karen Jespersen (Venstre) calls on the local governments to put demands on the parents of troublemaking kids. This can happen by means of a so-called “forældrepålæg”, where the parents risk the loss of child-related benefits if they fail to live up to certain demands. “We frequently see kids running about late at night without any adult keeping track of what they are doing. This is unsustainable,” says Karen Jespersen.

Also from Jyllands-Posten:

Calls for attacks on Danish embassies

A leading member of a militant organization in Gaza today called upon believing Muslims to attack Danish embassies and diplomats. This comes as an extension of the reprinting of a Muhammad cartoon in Danish newspapers.

“Blow up the Danish embassies and kill the ambassadors,”, says Abu Abir, spokesman for the Public Resistances Committees (PRC) in a speech in Hamas-controlled Gaza. During the speech Danish flags were incinerated.

Abir called upon all Islamists to “track down those who printed the caricatures, those who created them and those who published them, and slaughter them immediately.” The call comes three days after thousands of adherents of the Islamist Hamas movement demonstrated in Gaza against the new publication of a Muhammad cartoon in Danish media.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.