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Ask Raul

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Tina Greco - Melbourne:
So are you a farmer? what do you grow?


--- Quote from: Skippy on February 21, 2008, 06:05:50 PM ---So are you a farmer? what do you grow?

--- End quote ---

Currently I rent it to farmers. The grow wheat and soya.

Tina Greco - Melbourne:
You seem to rent to alot of people do you have a job yourself? If so what do you do?


--- Quote from: Skippy on February 21, 2008, 07:20:01 PM ---You seem to rent to alot of people do you have a job yourself? If so what do you do?

--- End quote ---

I am an English teacher, but not working. I have some health problems. Anyway being single, I have enough to live on, and give some Tzedakah.

Tina Greco - Melbourne:
What ages of the children did you used to teach?


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