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Ask Raul

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Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: Raulmarrio2000 on February 24, 2008, 01:35:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: Skippy on February 24, 2008, 01:14:27 AM ---Yes as I said on my thread if you don't use it you lose it.  :(

So what are your plans now for the future?

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Just don't know by now.
And you, why do you speak so many languages? BTW, sometimes your English is not easy for me to understand, do you speak other language in your daily life?

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Why because of my job, and my first husband was/is a Legionnaire and I travelled around the world when I could to be with him. I ended up in many countries. So I learnt many languages. Also my parents we very nomadic and I grew up traveling, so very much like gypsy's to say the least. I think thats way I am so very different to many people in this world.

Yes I speak "woman"  :laugh:

Well I have a hybrid language I speak with my family, outsiders are very confused when we are together. We are very close and often use half sentences, yet we know what is unsaid. We are like the Borg  :::D

Why and How did you become a Noahide?

And Do you think that there is or can be a Noahide-compatible religion for gentiles, so they won't have to depend on rabbis to determine  halachot?


--- Quote from: Raulmarrio2000 on February 21, 2008, 07:14:39 PM ---
--- Quote from: Skippy on February 21, 2008, 06:05:50 PM ---So are you a farmer? what do you grow?

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Currently I rent it to farmers. The grow wheat and soya.

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Raul, I have only a small piece of land behind my business and I use every square-meter to grow tabacco, tomatoes and wine.

Agriculture is the best for a man. If I will have saved enough money, I will buy a farm.

Begin with a little garden and a few cultures.

Then greater cultures are no big problem.

You should really try it.

I have a whole bookshelf full of books about agriculture. I love to read this stuff.

The best author for beginners is John Seymour:

Please don't notice the pigs ;)

In fact most animals cannot be bred by a Noahide, since they usually have to be castrated, and the Noahide Laws forbid it. A Noahide can eat all animals, but I feel aversion to pigs and shellfish.
Where do you live?


--- Quote from: Raulmarrio2000 on April 02, 2008, 09:12:04 PM ---In fact most animals cannot be bred by a Noahide, since they usually have to be castrated, and the Noahide Laws forbid it. A Noahide can eat all animals, but I feel aversion to pigs and shellfish.
Where do you live?

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In Friesland, this is in Germany near the North Sea.


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