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dis so tipical of you whiteys


Johnson Brown:
Re: "ask" - Dis is watt alway happens a blackie come up witt a idea and all dee honkies haves to git in on its.


--- Quote from: Johnson Brown on February 24, 2008, 12:31:47 PM ---Re: "ask" - Dis is watt alway happens a blackie come up witt a idea and all dee honkies haves to git in on its.

--- End quote ---

They're the rules, Boy

You sambos write a blues song..............whitey makes a million bucks while you get a $20 bill and a six pack of Colt 45.

You sambos invent baggy pants.................a Jewish cloth merchant malkes a million bucks selling 'em to dumb kids while you lot get butt-kiss!

That's the wat it's always been.

Maybe you should rename your thread "Axe the Ape."  Seems more appropriate...

Why don't you put your Ask the Ape thread over here?


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