Author Topic: U.S. Showed S. Korea Video of Bombed Syrian Site  (Read 947 times)

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U.S. Showed S. Korea Video of Bombed Syrian Site
« on: February 25, 2008, 04:32:13 AM »
U.S. Showed S. Korea Video of Bombed Syrian Site

( A senior American official showed his South Korean counterpart video evidence of the suspected nuclear site in Syria that was reportedly attacked by Israel in September 2007. The facility is believed to have been built with North Korean assistance.

According to anonymous sources quoted by the Japanese press, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Christopher Hill showed the video to the Security and Foreign Affairs Minister in the new South Korean government.

Hill reportedly insisted that the Syrian facility was a nuclear plant built with North Korean technology. He said that the North Korean regime is obligated to give details regarding the nuclear equipment it gave Syria, as part of the agreement for the lifting of sanctions against Pyongyang.