Of course! I already have some scarfs now that I'm saving for later use. I also shop at a place that sells tiechels and other types of modesty items:
I like the following:

I could also wear hats (like a nice lady like french beret) and snoods although I'm picky when it comes to snoods, some are weird looking. I would not wear wigs though.
You should wear a sheitel! They are much better halachically speaking as as hair does not show as much and it makes the women who wear them look better they've ever looked in their lives!
It's also the Chabad thing to do and I know you like Chabad.
I'm not a fan of Sheitels. They don't let other people know that it's not really their hair, and as you said, "it makes the women who wear them look better they've ever looked in their lives," which I don't think is right. Also, I go to a Chabad Shul and I don't think any of the women, except for maybe the Rebbetzin (although I've seen her wear a snood also), wear Sheitels.