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How do some 'black' people manage to have blue eyes?
I agree with the 99.99% position above. Unfortunatly the blue eyes in blacks come from mixing on behalf of both male and female alike. Simply stated most stupid women, black and white, love the criminal type more than the righteous. Since only the .01% of blacks are righteous this leaves a very large choice of criminals from the Black community. I guess it is a sense of excitement over security or whatever but combine that with today's shvartzism bombarded from all angles.....its almost a lost cause. For a black to be proud it is accepted, promoted and rewarded while whites are forced to be dumbed down self haters or the proud ones "racists", "homophobes", "bigots" and "sexists". Tragic simply tragic. Subsequently Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a member of that .01% would most deffinately agree with this position as well...
But the fact of the matter is that some blacks got blue eyes from this intermixing of both sexes not solely white women but also white men wishing to get a taste of the hunter gatherer African....simply stated.
First of all, you don’t have to be any portion of anything to have blue eyes. Africans have the most diverse genotype of any “racial” group, most likely do to the fact that they have been subjugated so many different cultures over time. They can have light skin, dark skin, afro textured hair, straight hair, blonde hair, black hair, blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes. Doesn’t matter.
The reason brown eyes are most common, indeed among the entire population not just Africans or African Americans, is because that gene is dominant. For the sake of example, here’s an uncomplicated explanation:
B = Brown
b = Blue
Two BB create a person with brown eyes. Two bb create a person with blue eyes. One B and one b create a person with brown eyes, but the ability to have children with blue eyes, depending on which gene is passed on. Two brown eyed people can a blue eyed child by virtue of the fact that they both can pass on b. Contrary wise, two blue eyed people cannot have brown eyed children, because they do not possess that gene.
An example of a widespread African population with blue eyes would be the Solomon islands off the coast of Africa. People there have blonde hair, blue eyes and dark skin.
Next, racial mixing is good. By only breeding with people of the same race as you, you are successfully narrowing the gene pool, which lead genetic abnormalities and vulnerability to disease and disorder. By mixing races, you are widening the gene pool, and stifling the possibility of genetic disarray.
Nature promotes mixing of tribes and nations.
Scientifically speaking, there is no distinct difference between any of the races, and there are actually more physically manifested variants within one race than there are between races. In fact, science is moving closer and closer to determining that “race” as we know it does not actually exist. Blacks are just as capable as whites, and the assumption that they are not is what has lead to the dysfunction seen in SOME black communities – these people have been beaten, oppressed, enslaved, ridiculed, stigmatized and stereotyped for hundreds of years. While we’ve made great strides past it and realize that our fellow man is our fellow man, whatever his race, there is still a great deal of ignorance in this country, and such ignorance is the bane of cultural growth.
And as far as black women not being attractive… Halle Barry? Beyonce Knowles? Naomi Campbell? Tyra Banks? Vanessa Williams? Any of these names ring a bell? Celebrated music artists, actresses and world renowned supermodels?
When it comes to criminals, let’s talk. Most serial rapists are white males. Most serial killers are white males. Most white collar criminals are white males. Most child predators are white males. These are the facts, man. Look up the statistics from a non-biased source and you will be wowed.
Now, you could argue that this is because the white population is larger than the black population, or you could argue that white men are more susceptible to sexual perversion. I don’t really care which it is, I just care what cold, hard numbers have the say about and the numbers a few of you have spouted off just don’t add up.
Super Mentalita:
Black people with blue eyes.... I think it's just happen some times!
For that matter, sometimes 'black' people are born with pink skin
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