Author Topic: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:  (Read 3131 times)

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3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« on: February 24, 2008, 06:49:47 PM »


By Newman.

So society is overrun with dependant, evil, useless, inferior cretins. Liberals are to blame and we are politically and morally screwed. Can it get any worse? Well, yes it can and  it will. The cultural destruction is not the thing that will do us in, it's just enabled our destruction and robbed us of the realistic probability of avoiding it. Our civilisation's destruction and the physical destruction of large numbers of people will stem from  both economic and environmental factors working together.

It's no secret that the US and other western countries have been robbing the future and living on debt. Without writing a major economics thesis I'll explain simply. Taking into account all those on welfare, social secuity and those in nut houses and other institutions, there are about 100 million dependents in the USA. That's ONE THIRD of the population and we've had over a decade of boom times. What will the number be in the comming recession/depression? How will we cope? What will the government do? I can't give exact answers but I can speculate. The social security system is unsustainable now. The government pays by writing a cheque on it's massively overdrawn account. The overdraft is called government debt, which is in fact foreign debt. All debt must be paid. A household can live well on Visa, Mastercard and an overdraft but at some point the chickens come home to roost and it all stops and then falls apart. Your taxes don't directly pay for social security. Your taxes just pay the government's interest bill on it's foreign overdraft! This aint gonna go on for much longer with present 'healthy' economic times. With a comming slow-down it's gonna stop soon. When it does..............brace yourselves.

 "We've had the 'Great Depression' of the 1930s and survived, so how bad can it get?" you ask. Well, consider a few things. In 1930 the USA had a population of 140 million. Today it's 300 million. The US population of 1930 was overwhelmingly white. Today, whites are a slimmer majority and will be a minority in a couple of decades. Despite Al Capone peddling booze in Chicago and Bonnie & Clyde running amok in the corn belt, the people of the 1930s were overwhelmingly law-abiding, honest, religious and disciplined. The worst you might have seen in those days was a fist fight at a bread line or a stock broker jumping from a window. Today? An economic collapse of the Great Depression's magnitude will see our cities literally explode. Major cities full of the mentally feeble, evil, lazy, envious, angry, third world primatives are powder kegs. A bankrupting of the overstretched social security/welfare system is a flame thrower. You saw New Orleans after Katrina and LA during the riots. Can you imagine every large city when the social security tap gets turned off AND there are massive lay-offs and unemployment aswell? A war zone like we've never seen in human history is what every large city will see. You won't want to be anywhere near one when the excement hits the propeller.

And what about 'Peak Oil'? It's not just another energy crisis here. It's not just a matter of the SUV or Hemi Dodge getting dear to run. The wheels of the energy dependant industrialised nations are going to stop without a constant supply of cheap energy and we ain't got one of those. There's more to peak oil than economic consideration, too.


We're battling to feed the mouths of planet Earth as it is. Consider what peak oil means for food production and distribution. Current crop producton is dependant on oil-derived fertilisers. Distribution of those crops requires trucks, trains and ships, all of which run on petroleum. Tripple whammy! We'll produce less & less food, destribute less & less of what is produced, all at greater cost for a larger & larger population.

To make it even worse, there's the climate. The 1930s through 1980s saw a freakishly good half century of crop-growing weather. Everyone thought is was the norm. Well the party's over. It turns out that that 50 years was a once in 1,000 years freak cycle. Worse yet, because we took the good weather for granted we changed the breeds of crops we grew. The old, low yield but bad season crops they grew in Great grandpa's day have been replaced with high-yield but good weather-dependant ones. Whoops! So it ain't looking good on the food production front. It also means growing crops for alternative energy is really not a long-term sollution, either.

Combine all the factors: An economic collapse, food & enegy shortages plus our cities full of third world, criminal savages who think nothing of going on a muderous looting, raping & killing rampage over somthing minor. Think about it long enough and you'll never sleep properly. The good news is the "we refuse to have a gun in our home", liberal city dwellers' goose is cooked. They wanted 'diversity', the diverse will butcher them. They live in the cities, in the cities they shall die. The riots, looting, fires will kill thousands. Starvation and murder will kill millions. Disease and illness will kill tens of millions once hospitals, sanitation, electricity and medicines are no more.

How will you suvive? By practicing 'survivalism', that's how. By that, I don't mean having an M16, 1,000 rds of ammo, a set of cammies and staying in NYC, LA or Chicago (iven if those places let you have one!). Nor do I mean having a 'bug-out' bag and an SUV ready to clear-out- although that is a good short-term starting point. I'm not suggesting concrete bunkers in the middle of the wilderness so much as life in a close-nit rural community where there's safety in numbers and people of various skills who can work together. (More on survivalism later).

You need to get out of the cities NOW. There's a limited supply of cheap, available rural property as it is. The more people wake up and take 'white flight' the less there'll be and the dearer it'll get. You need to learn about gardening, chicken raising, self-defense, weapons, first aid NOW. You need to work out a small run-from-home business you can take up when you move, or a skill you can market in a rural town NOW.

More to come...................

Offline nessuno

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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 08:54:26 PM »
 :o I'm not sure I can take much more.  The truth always hits close to home.  There will be no escape in an SUV from where most of us in  the tri - state area live.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 09:03:18 PM »
:o I'm not sure I can take much more.  The truth always hits close to home.  There will be no escape in an SUV from where most of us in  the tri - state area live.
You're in a high demand occupation and should have no trouble finding work in the rural area of your choice. Your home in Joisey should be worth a few bucks, too. Sell up, pay off the bank, buy a little place in the country and be mortguage-free with some change to boot.

Give some thought to moving now..................really. You may not make as much but you'll live cheaper too. Imagine a place where there are ZERO drug dealers, whores, fags, hippies or gang-bangers. Where Bullcat Jr could have a pony and not worry about strangers.

Think about it. Trying to bug out when it's hit the fan and running the gauntlet of mobs getting out of a NJ city is no option. Get out now.

Offline nessuno

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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 09:14:29 PM »
 :'(  Where to go?
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 09:24:52 PM »
:'(  Where to go?

Read part 5 to get an idea.

Look for a small town of under 10,000 people that is..............

*In a pro-gun state
*reasonable climate
*well off the major highways
*away from the hurricanes of the South East, The tornadoes of the cornbelt, the third worlders of the West, South West, North East and deep South.

Plenty of places if you look. :)


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 10:04:11 PM »
Well it's not easy to move all of the sudden, but I guess when it has to happen it happens.
I'm still in everyone know where I want to move to.
I don't know if it would be easy to find a job in rural towns for Psychology though.

County hospitals may hire clinical psycologists.

If you do have to stay in the city to make your pile, don't invest there. Live in the cheapest rented apartment you can (preferrably near the highway out) and buy a little place in the country for weekends or for when the balloon goes up. Have nothing in your city apartment you can't bear to leave.


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2008, 10:13:26 PM »

Good points!
Well I am not a clinical psychologist. Just graduating with a bachelors, meaning that it doesn't matter what job I get. Sadly I am not a doctor but I would prefer to work in something related to behavioral science.
I looked at perspective jobs for my degree and they ranged everywhere from real estate agents, to cashiers to hotel maids and housekeepers.  Very promising for spending 4 years in college  ???

It's like a BA in Classical Literature.......a great thing at dinner parties but not much use jobwise.

Can you take some minors in bookkeeping, admin or even journalism? They would help in terms of country town work.


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2008, 10:22:19 PM »

It's like a BA in Classical Literature.......a great thing at dinner parties but not much use jobwise.

Can you take some minors in bookkeeping, admin or even journalism? They would help in terms of country town work.

Yes its like that. People act all interested to know I study psychology but I can't do ANYTHING with it unless I get a masters or doctorate and honestly I'm not interested in doing so.

I would have taken some minors in something else but I'm graduating next month already. I should have thought about it a while ago. Taking a minor would just keep me in school for more time and I do want to graduate and get a job already. 

Real Estate might be a good thing to get into. There's always jobs in that field in any town, even if it's admin or property management.


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2008, 10:31:45 PM »

Real Estate might be a good thing to get into. There's always jobs in that field in any town, even if it's admin or property management.

Well thanks again for your info. I don't know what property management is but I'll look into that.
I'll look at all of these things.  O0

That's managing rental properties for people and evicting the blacks. ;)


Might be good practice if you marry a Jewish slumlord later. :D


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2008, 10:34:06 PM »
:'(  Where to go?

Read part 5 to get an idea.

Look for a small town of under 10,000 people that is..............

*In a pro-gun state
*reasonable climate
*well off the major highways
*away from the hurricanes of the South East, The tornadoes of the cornbelt, the third worlders of the West, South West, North East and deep South.

Plenty of places if you look. :)

Can I just stay at your house ;)


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2008, 10:39:26 PM »
:'(  Where to go?

Read part 5 to get an idea.

Look for a small town of under 10,000 people that is..............

*In a pro-gun state
*reasonable climate
*well off the major highways
*away from the hurricanes of the South East, The tornadoes of the cornbelt, the third worlders of the West, South West, North East and deep South.

Plenty of places if you look. :)

Can I just stay at your house ;)

Sell your place in Canada and buy a place in the Ozarks. (I'll teach you how to sqeal like a piggy. ;) )


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2008, 10:44:24 PM »
:'(  Where to go?

Read part 5 to get an idea.

Look for a small town of under 10,000 people that is..............

*In a pro-gun state
*reasonable climate
*well off the major highways
*away from the hurricanes of the South East, The tornadoes of the cornbelt, the third worlders of the West, South West, North East and deep South.

Plenty of places if you look. :)

Can I just stay at your house ;)

Sell your place in Canada and buy a place in the Ozarks. (I'll teach you how to sqeal like a piggy. ;) )
:::D I dont know if i want to live in the ozarks lol


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Re: 3/4 of the population are going to die. Pt 3:
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2008, 10:49:33 PM »
:'(  Where to go?

Read part 5 to get an idea.

Look for a small town of under 10,000 people that is..............

*In a pro-gun state
*reasonable climate
*well off the major highways
*away from the hurricanes of the South East, The tornadoes of the cornbelt, the third worlders of the West, South West, North East and deep South.

Plenty of places if you look. :)

Can I just stay at your house ;)

Sell your place in Canada and buy a place in the Ozarks. (I'll teach you how to sqeal like a piggy. ;) )
:::D I dont know if i want to live in the ozarks lol

Don't believe Hollywood's 'inbred weirdo' BS. Look................
.........The per-capita crime rate in the Ozarks is the lowest in the
country and the police in the region have the highest record for
arrests of lawbreakers.  Boone County leads the area in strict law
     In the last year, not one woman has been raped.  There has not
been one mugging or even an armed robbery here.  Even so, the
police keep a low profile.  You seldom see them unless you're in
violation of the law.
     Mainly, it's the honest and hardworking people, themselves,
with their built-in contempt for inferiors, which keeps the overall
crime rate so low.  A Boone County jury, presided over by a hanging
judge, keeps most idiots out of the area.
     I've been here over a year and have yet to see a hippy, fag,
beggar or tramp........