First of all Sarah your brother has a right to grieve over the lose of his dog. And allow him some understanding and compassion.
Just to make this topic a bit more worthwhile,
I am a little taken back with the cold heartiness of your post. Is that what you learnt from Islam?
I hope to teach my brother not to grieve to the extent that he does over the dog.
We both love animals.....very much indeed. Though most of ours are abroad.
This might not be the case for your animals but in Morocco, there are quite a lot of diseases and animals in general live a shorter life. There is medication and injections for the animals but not for dogs, cats etc because they aren't really domesticated to the extent they are in the west. I have seen a lot of animals die. The number of dogs, even though we've looked after them to our very best, have died......around at least 5 or 6. Some of you are saying that you had your dogs for 15 years!! No wonder you've grieved over them. The dogs we've had have only been around for a couple or so years, before they usually get into fights and catch diseases from other dogs, die when they give birth or stupidly go off into some other farm and drink weed killer from a puddle they think is water! However the dogs that we look after live a lot longer then those which are stray or looked after by other people in Morocco.
I am not cold. I get very attached to the animals and if i got extremely upset about every single one, i'd be a depressed maniac.
There was one time, when i loved this beautiful baby rabbit, and i even used to take it for adventures day it was dead, for no reason except illness

. I was extremely upset but at the end of the day it is God's will........animals die.