Author Topic: FOX on OBAMA: "I have denounced him" [Farrakhan]"  (Read 948 times)

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FOX on OBAMA: "I have denounced him" [Farrakhan]"
« on: February 27, 2008, 11:49:50 PM »
FOX on OBAMA: "I have denounced him" [Farrakhan]"

During the last week the FOX cable network that got traction by promoting itself as a "patriotic alternative" that presents "liberal and conservative" opinions, and lots of shouting and interrupting and far more than the usual component of foxy young 'commentators,' has become a cheerleader for barack hussein Obama. The word, endlessly repeated from a variety of mouths there (and virtually everywhere else) is that he's running a brilliant campaign and is a great orator.

Please: he's not running the campaign and surely is not writing his vapid, pseudo-inspirational speeches that can stimulate only a compromised brain and heart. Speeches, presentations, lectures that are empty of content, as his are cannot be eloquent for that requires substance. Aside from his fealty to globalist schemes, like the world poverty relief act he sponsored and which could cost Americans $70 billion a year for twelve years (see Cliff Kincaid's reports on this or check there is little to him other than anti-white racism and anti-semitism.

Mr. Bill O'Reilly and numerous other pundits, resident and invited at FOX think it trivial that Mr. Farrakhan endorsed Obama and that the pastor who married barak and Michelle Obama is anti-white and hosted an award ceremony for Farrakhan only a few months ago. It is legitimate to question when a candidate for President attends and gets himself married at a church whose principles and pastor affirm openly racist and anti-Semitic tenets.

Mr. Bill O'Reilly, the "conservative" thinks this matter is trivial. Like the Herman's Hermits song, "he don't know much about history" or perhaps he just doesn't care that anti-Jewish vitriol like Farrakhan's has a long track record of igniting anti-Jewish violence, often genocidal in scope. Mr. Ahmadidenijad, with whom Obama, like his mentors, Baker, Brzezinski and company, the CFR-Trilateral groups that feed the State and other top Federal Departments, a few days ago termed Israel "a bacillus" from which the world needs to be cleansed. This is an old and very bloody tune. If Democrats don't forcefully and explicitly repudiate anyone linked to this their claim as the "party of peace and compassion" (please) is dead.

The matter of the Farrakhan-Obama link or world view became prominent (why not before now? the information has been there, reported by numerous researchers) because Senator Clinton challenged him to repudiate in their Feb. 26 'debate' (it's not easy to fake a debate between two people whose views are almost identical). Obama said, "I have denounced him." When; why not repeat or explain what you said or why you "denounce" him? These are quirky times and politicians are quite cute with words: so what do you mean when you say you "denounce" him. Do you want support from a leader who tells his legions of followers that Judaism "is a gutter religion"? that Judaism "stole" and "poisoned" the religion of the "Nation of Islam?" Senator Obama, could you explain what you think about the "Jewish tailor" imitation that Farrakhan did well into his speech at the "million man march"? Do you understand why that's offensive and dangerous? Do you understand anything at all or simply soar in the purple fog of hollow rhetoric and Jew-hatred?

Mrs. Clinton didn't ask any of these pertinent follow up questions (please; her views on Jews and Israel, or those of her husband are not all that different, in effect) she just riposted, cleverly she seemed to think, "denounce doesn't mean reject" giving Obama the opportunity to accuse her of playing semantic games and bullying him. The point is, why were you and your wife married at the church of an anti-white and Jew-hating racist? See the questions in the preceding paragraph. And why are you and the Clintons colluding to make this campaign all about "race" instead of the dangerous near-Communist, globalist agenda you share, with the State becoming all but a god?

O'Reilly's view is that the Farrakhan matter is trivial; the opinion was shared by a young Obama lady spokesperson. The illustrious Dick Morris, tasked to bash Hillary and elect Obama, had no apparent problem with the matter. The only one who made a clear statement was a Democratic worker Majhum [sp.?] Green who said clear as could be that she did think Obama's vagueness was a problem because "any American politician who spoke about women or black people the way he speaks about Jews" would be driven from public life. How startling and wonderful to hear a straight word of truth and intelligence on TV, especially on a political show.

Then it was Allan Colmes' turn to ignore and trivialize this matter. Instead, he berated Karl Rove because the Bush administratin did not secure the borders of Iraq against Al Qaeda, "who would not be there if we hadn't invaded." In Tom Jones, Squire Weston's sister referred to such remarks as "more than Gothic ignorance." If the administation had asked for the troops to secure the borders of "iraq" or, more practically, to destroy the kin-regime in Syria and topple the unpopular Imams in Iran, Colmes and the Democrats would have gone beserk (another proof that they are NOT a peace party). Moreover, if Colmes is suddenly so concerned about Iraq's borders, now that Mr. Obama, trying to be "Presidential" has said he would send our troops back there -- after withdrawing them -- if al Qaeda moved in (hello? the ISI ["Islamic state in Iraq"] among all other parties has been decrying their presence for four years) why doesn't he want American troops to secure America's own southern borders?!
The previous evening, FOX news referred to the continuing shelling by Hamas of the Israeli town of Sderot and environs, bracketing this act of war (ongoing for 30 months and more) with Israel's partial closure of the Gaza strip in a half-hearted attempt to save the expulsion regime of Ehud Olmert. It was more of the 'cycle of violence' false equivalence to which Jews in Israel are always subjected, being in this way established as legitimate targets for, 1) murder or, 2) further expulsions from their homes. No one mentioned that the Gaza strip, conquered by Egypt in 1948 from the Jewish National Home is now Judenrein at the urging of the Clinton-Bush State Department.

Who exactly was it they gave Mr. Obama a "pass" for his comment that the Likud controls American policy? One can understand viciousness, but this level of stupidity? The 'loyal opposition' likud, labor's  partner and enforcer in the Road Map expulsion plan? It takes little research to learn that the Likud is about as "nationlist" or "right wing" as the main body of the GOP in DC. How wilfully obtuse then is the level of those who believe that "Zionists" control American foreign policy which must explain why Israel is so enormous and why the closure on Jewish settlement in the Promised Land and internationalizing Israel is the obsession of American and "Quartet" policy.

But Senator Obama is pushing the envelope of this invidious chicanery and that's no joke: no more than accepting an endorsement from a Jew-hater like Farrakhan. Perhaps someone in the media will ask him, and Senator Clinton, and Senator McCain if they believe that in order for their to be peace in the world that Jews must be FORBIDDEN from building homes in Judea and Samaria, their homeland, and dragged out of the homes already there? Ask them, please; the answers, or non-answers will tell alot about them and not only in relation to the Middle East and Jews.

Eugene Narrett
WW III: the War on the Jews (2007)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: FOX on OBAMA: "I have denounced him" [Farrakhan]"
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 02:32:25 AM »
Rupert Murdoch has decided who gets to be PM or President of most western 'democracies'. Now he's decidided on o'bummer for the USA!  >:(